Tasks graduates Gmail Labs; Google Calendar gets experimental - http://news.cnet.com/8301-27...
Microsoft to launch internet radio service? - http://www.downloadsquad.com/2009...
"A few months ago web-based music search engine and streaming media service SeeqPod dropped a hint that the company was working with Microsoft on... something. Now UK paper Telegraph is reporting that Microsoft is planning to launch a streaming music service similar to Spotify, Pandora, or Last.fm." - HealingBrush
Google Loses Engineering Director Who Once Caused Steve Ballmer To Melt Down - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
105 Fantastic & Beautiful HDR Photography - http://www.dewebtimes.com/105-fan...
beautiful - Shevonne
Use Evernote with TweetDeck for Better Twitter Memory - Evernote - Lifehacker - http://lifehacker.com/5313371...
The Complete Guide To Microsoft’s Office 2010 - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Fwd: FriendFeed 撞墙后,可使用 http://dev.ctor.org/f2p/login 和 fftogo.com (via http://friendfeed.com/gfw...)
天哪,真的撞墙啦,刚刚还在纳闷怎么不用访问了 - 式锋@beta
迟早的事情 大家要学会适应翻墙 视墙不存在 哈哈~ - HealingBrush
全球第一例眼球纹身 « 外国人de爱情、秘密和疯狂 | missniuniu.com - http://www.missniuniu.com/2009...
重口味 - Salt Sharp Sharp
oh man... awesomely disturbing :) - Ivan Zuzak
It's been outlawed in some states, do to a number of people going blind from this. - Bluesun 2600
Is Free The Future Of Enterprise Software? Yes And No. - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
Leaked: newer Office 2010 Technical Preview build - http://arstechnica.com/microso...
Google Brain Drain: Twitter Poaches Prominent Lawyer (GOOG) - http://www.businessinsider.com/google-...
太阳谷:当施密特遇到盖茨,及 Chrome OS 的起源 - http://apple4.us/2009...
安全大师对Chrome OS安全声明嗤之以鼻 - 读写网唯一官方中文站 - 搜狐IT独立群体博客 - http://blog.it.sohu.com/readwri...
Daily NK - 金正日嘴角歪斜 … 病情恶化? - http://www.dailynk.com/chinese...
▲ 金正日7月8日出席金日成逝世15周年中央追悼大会时的照片(图左)与4月15日出席最高人民会议会议时的照片。比照两张照片就能明显看出嘴角歪斜。ⓒ 联合 - HealingBrush
看起来仿佛有面瘫的危险 - fancyfly
云南楚雄姚安县发生6.0级地震 数百人受伤 | 锐博_资源资讯共享网 - http://www.redbots.cn/scfocus...
哎~怎么这么不太平 - HealingBrush
谷歌瞄准微软地盘-华尔街日报 - http://chinese.wsj.com/gb...
Bing Now Bigger Than Digg, Twitter and CNN - http://mashable.com/2009...
Google Chrome OS 关系链卡通示意图 - http://google.org.cn/2009...
信息链:大脑 -> 用户-> 浏览器 -> 操作系统 -> 电脑硬件 -> ISP(其实我们最担心这一环) -> 服务器 -> 网页应用 -> 广告信息 - HealingBrush
Cool. - Mitchell Tsai
东拉西扯:Chrome OS不是一款软件 - http://blog.donews.com/keso...
Google 操作系统 Chrome OS 讨论索引贴 - http://google.org.cn/2009...
AudioBoo Adds Spinvox To Magically Turn Interviews Into Text - http://uk.techcrunch.com/2009...
Google 发布 Chrome OS 操作系统:2010 年应用在轻省笔电 - http://cn.engadget.com/2009...
Google 广告系统解密 - http://semwatch.org/?p=178