Casey Muller

I work here
The quirky genius of the Dos Equis ad campaign. - Slate Magazine -
"Grainy footage of outrageous exploits (bench-pressing Asian women, splashing down in a space capsule, performing trick billiards shots for turbaned companions) is accompanied by a sequence of boastful one-liners: "The police often question him just because they find him interesting," "His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man's entire body," "His blood smells like cologne."" - Casey Muller
"Most Interesting Doctor in World Warns 'Staying Thirsty' Could be Sign of Diabetes, Recommends Vicodin Over Beer" - Karim
My first time on a caltrain without power: "Engine and brakes work, doors may not. PA battery is low, so this may be the last announcement"
Hellhole: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker -
"Commissioners are not powerless. They could eliminate prolonged isolation with the stroke of a pen. So, I asked, why haven’t they? He told me what happened when he tried to move just one prisoner out of isolation. Legislators called for him to be fired and threatened to withhold basic funding. Corrections officers called members of the crime victim’s family and told them that he’d gone soft on crime. Hostile stories appeared in the tabloids. It is pointless for commissioners to act unilaterally, he said, without a change in public opinion." - Casey Muller
Cage the Elephant – Ain't No Rest For The Wicked -
Pressefotografforbundet: Too much Photoshop? Judge for yourself -
"But the RAW files [do] not remove the judges' suspicion of excessive use of Photoshop. In particular three images invoke the judges' anger. ... After a short discussion [they] agree to vote the series out." - Casey Muller
All three examples look okay to me, but of course they can set their contest rules however they want. - Casey Muller
The best Big Picture in a while:
Awesome pictures. Love getting a different perspective on things. - Garin Kilpatrick
A quick eye-exercise can improve your performance on memory tests (but only if you're right-handed) -
"Several studies have confirmed this bizarre proposition: If you're taking a test of rote memorization, like words from a list, move your eyes from side to side for about 30 seconds before you start. Really." - Casey Muller
Dang - I'm a strong lefty. Won't help. - Hutch Carpenter
Charles Platt goes undercover at Wal-Mart - New York Post -
"Having pledged ourselves, we encountered the aspect of Wal-Mart employment that impressed me most: The Telxon, ... a hand-held bar-code scanner with a wireless connection to the store's computer. When pointed at any product, the Telxon would reveal ... the quantity that should be on the shelf, the availability from the nearest warehouse, the retail price, and (most amazing of all) the markup. All of us were given access to this information, because - in theory, at least - anyone in the store could order a couple extra pallets of anything, and could discount it heavily as a Volume Producing Item (known as a VPI), competing with other departments to rack up the most profitable sales each month." - Casey Muller
"The vector for compromising my identity is greatly reduced because my local-openid instance has 99.999% downtime." -- a good idea from
Kobe greater than shirt from freedarkostore -
Yeah. Kobe's been 3 times as good since he switched to 24 from 8... - Dan Hsiao
I love kobe, but Michael could probably beat him now. - Ted Roden
New options for the FriendFeed notifier -
Great line from the NYT mag: "No congressman looks back wistfully at the first batch of securitized mortgages he bought with his hard-earned savings during his teenage years or to losing his virginity in the back of his father’s trading floor. Probably no senator thinks back nostalgically to the beloved uncle who proudly broke his back every day...
...beloved uncle who proudly broke his back every day for 40 years working in the reinsurance business." - Casey Muller
Bean Counterculture - At Rancho Gordo, Long-Lost Legumes Get a New Life -
"The speckled beans were pretty and had character too: a meaty texture and nutty flavor. Embarrassingly easy to make, they sparked more interest among my guests than the carefully roasted grass-fed leg of lamb. Who knew beans could be so . . . exotic?" - Casey Muller
All Time Most Confounding Puzzler? - Car Talk -
"A hundred prisoners are each locked in a room with three pirates, one of whom will walk the plank in the morning. Each prisoner has 10 bottles of wine, one of which has been poisoned; and each pirate has 12 coins, one of which is counterfeit and weighs either more or less than a genuine coin. In the room is a single switch, which the prisoner may either leave as it is, or flip. Before being led into the rooms, the prisoners are all made to wear either a red hat or a blue hat; they can see all the other prisoners' hats, but not their own. Meanwhile, a six-digit prime number of monkeys multiply until their digits reverse, then all have to get across a river using a canoe that can hold at most two monkeys at a time. But half the monkeys always lie and the other half always tell the truth. Given that the Nth prisoner knows that one of the monkeys doesn't know that a pirate doesn't know the product of two numbers between 1 and 100 without knowing that the N+1th prisoner has flipped the switch in his room or..." - Casey Muller
Humm..let's see...Got it! The monkeys are all in a quantum half-dead/half-alive state (schrodinger-zombie monkeys), and the pirates are just ninjas in disguise. The only survivor is Chuck Norris. - Ruben
Dear A.I.G., I Quit! - -
"Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down." - Casey Muller
There's a *rice* spill on the freeway in Oakland? I'm kind of tempted to go look...
Lice on the fleaway? - Ana
Ana, that's just lacist. - Mike Yang
@elizagregory it'll never last; his tone is too civil for the Internet.
@five_virtues okay, sorry, I turned off most of it; thanks for letting me know :-)
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Just loaded it ... sooooo coooool - Charlie Anzman
Wall Street on the Tundra | -
"You have a dog, and I have a cat. We agree that they are each worth a billion dollars. You sell me the dog for a billion, and I sell you the cat for a billion. Now we are no longer pet owners, but Icelandic banks, with a billion dollars in new assets." - Casey Muller
Nobel Peace Prize nominations by Hoskins, 1901-1955 -
Last year the Nobel Peace Prize opened their nomination database for 1901-1955. Here are the six nominations my grandfather made in that period (representing the AFSC, which won in 1947). Happy 93rd birthday Grandpop! - Casey Muller
His family hadn't know about his nomination of Nehru until now. Just the same as not knowing that he had visited a young minister, MLK, and paid for him to travel to India to study non violence. Or his spending hours in a cave with Mao after a three month trip to find him during WW2. Or living in Harlem prewar and making a film about working people for the Ford Foundation. And so on........ - Michael Muller
At work - The Big Picture - -
"When the economy makes big news, many photographs of people at work come across the wires, usually to help illustrate a particular story or event. By collecting these disparate photos over the past few months, I found that a global portrait emerged of we humans producing things." - Casey Muller
Seems like only the textile workers are wearing masks... I never thought about the beauty of crafting our toilet bowls! - Adrienne
Vanity Fair's Hitchcock Classics Photo Spreads -
"The latest issue of Vanity Fair includes a set of photo spreads featuring today's Hollywood actors recreating classic Hitchcock scenes." Full slide show with the originals: - Casey Muller
I usually hate these modern-day-people-in-classic-settings things, but this one is really cool and very well-done! - Ana
I love the little factoids at the bottom of each photo!! - Rachel Lea Fox
writing | ben fry » Piet Mondrian Goes to the Super Bowl -
"I don’t honestly think there’s any relationship between a software algorithm for data visualization and the work of an artist like Piet Mondrian. But I do love the idea of a Dutch painter from the De Stijl movement making his way through the turnstiles at Raymond Jones Stadium." - Casey Muller
Altitude: 12m, Time to destination: 14:06, Distance to destination: 11130km
12 meters isn't very high -- are you sure that's safe? - Adrienne
Wow! I can't believe you were just there. Can't wait to hear about it. Congratulations on 1,000,000 too!! <3 - Juna
The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - The Big Picture - -
"a folder for U.S. President Barack Obama (the 44th president) is shown, left for him by Former U.S. President George W. Bush" "U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Bill Mesta replaces an official picture of outgoing President George W. Bush with that of newly-sworn-in U.S. President Barack Obama, in the lobby of the headquarters of the U.S. Naval Base" - Casey Muller
this set is like watching it all over agian- emotion and all. cracking set. - Roberto Bonini
I'm going to pretend Barack was quoting Matthew Lillard in Hackers, not the Bible, when he said it's time to put away childish things.
The Jamglue Blog » Milestones, Maps and Mixes! -
Congrats on great numbers, Jamglue: "Last week, we surpassed 1,000,000 registered users! ... Also not long ago, we celebrated our 2,000,000th mix created ... and ... in the past month, over 980,000 people have visited" - Casey Muller
The end of the Christmas Season - The Big Picture - -
I am glad my Christmas tradition isn't to dress as Santa and ride a bike in a shark tank. - Casey Muller
I guess the mainland is all 2009 by now, what's next year like so far?
Nice jetpack, jon. - Robin Barooah
ineffable - bob
I hope they don't object to my suitcase of live snakes -