All Time Most Confounding Puzzler? - Car Talk -
"A hundred prisoners are each locked in a room with three pirates, one of whom will walk the plank in the morning. Each prisoner has 10 bottles of wine, one of which has been poisoned; and each pirate has 12 coins, one of which is counterfeit and weighs either more or less than a genuine coin. In the room is a single switch, which the prisoner may either leave as it is, or flip. Before being led into the rooms, the prisoners are all made to wear either a red hat or a blue hat; they can see all the other prisoners' hats, but not their own. Meanwhile, a six-digit prime number of monkeys multiply until their digits reverse, then all have to get across a river using a canoe that can hold at most two monkeys at a time. But half the monkeys always lie and the other half always tell the truth. Given that the Nth prisoner knows that one of the monkeys doesn't know that a pirate doesn't know the product of two numbers between 1 and 100 without knowing that the N+1th prisoner has flipped the switch in his room or..." - Casey Muller
"... not after having determined which bottle of wine was poisoned and what colour his hat is, what is the solution to this puzzle?" - Casey Muller
It's trick question. Identify the quantum monkey who slmultaneously tells the truth and lies. Ask him. He will give you the answer. - Robin Barooah
Humm..let's see...Got it! The monkeys are all in a quantum half-dead/half-alive state (schrodinger-zombie monkeys), and the pirates are just ninjas in disguise. The only survivor is Chuck Norris. - Ruben