John E. Bredehoft

My personal FriendFeed account, also used for my Empoprises series of blogs. This supersedes the "ontarioemperor" account. I am located in Ontario, California.
It's hiding! - Morton Fox
I gotta go to the dryer and hang up some shirts. If the site disappears while I'm gone, I think I still exist.
They might kick me off FriendFeed for this. Fwd: Stock V. by *VerothicA on deviantART on - (via
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Melly #FForever
A Google Image search now shows that this photo is allllll over the place. I wonder how she feels about that. - Rochelle
Well, well, well. My theory is that FriendFeed's remarkable uptime will keep it from getting shut down. But I've been wrong before.
Abandoned or non-abandoned brands? This isn't a movie -
In the retailer/credit card provider relationship, the retailer is winning (Costco, Walmart) -
Eric Dahl, B.B. King, Toyota...and Camry Effect II: Stolen Guitar! -
My October 2007 impressions of FriendFeed, and what I didn't understand at the time -
Re: Facebook is killing off FriendFeed on April 9 -
"Recode did a good job of pointing out the many changes since 2009. As I noted in my post on the topic, FriendFeed's list of supported services is frozen in time. Google Reader, anyone? http://empoprise-bi.blogspot.c..." - John E. Bredehoft
"I'm a few years older than you, so my first hearing of Call of the West was at my college's 10 watt radio station. My college (Reed College) has always debated the transition from old to new. At the time I was there (1979-1983) you had people who came from a 60s casting call pogoing around to "Rock Lobster" or whatever. I continued to follow Ridgway's career through the early 1990s (my then-infant daughter received her morning feedings to the sounds of Partyball) and occasionally check on him since. Coincidentally, I just added the post-Ridgway "Far Side of Crazy" to my Spotify library; not bad, but definitely different." - John E. Bredehoft
Carl's Jr. on Mountain ISN'T Cooked -
Let's be social WHAT WAS I THINKING??? (An Ontario Airport tweeter gets unwanted attention) -
Re: How Apple's '1984' Ad Was Almost Canceled -
"I grew up in Washington, and had just moved to Los Angeles in late 1983. I am very aware of how that game turned out. To be honest, I can't recall what impact the commercial had on me, but I remember how the Redskins' brief hopes at the beginning of the third quarter were dashed." - John E. Bredehoft
Re: How Apple's '1984' Ad Was Almost Canceled -
"While one can quibble as to whether this is truly on the level of a "Big Brother" issue, there's another point to be made - Apple hasn't changed the way that it acts. If you want to talk about closed environments, look at the original Macintosh. Unlike other computers that allowed expansion slots or even alternate operating systems, the Mac had none of that. One can argue that the Mac was an example of planned obsolescence, undercutting the rival Lisa product (and yes, due to the nature of bureaucratic organizations, the Lisa - and the Apple II - were competitors to the Mac) and eventually killing it. Perpetual war? See above. Remember that the symbol of the Macintosh team was a pirate flag (the Mac team vs. the rest of Apple), and the impetus for the ad itself was Jobs' brilliant positioning of Apple as an underdog fighting IBM. The one thing that I'll grant you is that the original Mac did not represent an "ever-expanding imposition into daily lives." Because of the philosophy at..." - John E. Bredehoft
Re: How Apple's '1984' Ad Was Almost Canceled -
"Excellent rebuttal, but I do have one quibble. While you note that we should (rightly) be concerned about "THE ACTUAL GOVERNMENT," we should also be concerned about the large amounts of data that corporations are acquiring about us and selling to others. The personal information that can be retrieved by mining this data is just as revealing as anything that the various government silos have on us. In a sense, our data is actually safer with the government, since (at least theoretically) we have Constitutional recourses to remove that data. There are no such Constitutional recourses in the case of private data - just legislation." - John E. Bredehoft
Addendum to last year's post about Tom Bradley International Terminal -
Did I shirk my civic duty by leaving my hot water heater on the street? -
Re: In Ontario, retiring police chief keeps calm as others carry on -
"Tamales!" - John E. Bredehoft
Re: The Missing Piece to Annual Sales Kick-offs -
"Of course, I'm sure that some sales director read this post and thought, " iron chef competition!" Now I need to find the white paper that was referenced in the newsletter. I'm in proposals, but reinforcement can help in all disciplines." - John E. Bredehoft
Perhaps you may be toking it up at your local casino one day - or perhaps not -
Re: See the 'Storm of the Century' Hit the West Coast -
"At least they didn't refer to Glendale." - John E. Bredehoft
Re: See the 'Storm of the Century' Hit the West Coast -
"DUDE! One different between the Pacific Northwest and the Southwest is that much of the Southwest is a desert. When that storm makes it to Southern California and Arizona, the ground won't be able to absorb all the rain, and flooding will occur. Yes, it's much greener in Seattle..." - John E. Bredehoft
My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Waylon Jennings (56), U2 (54) & E-Gens (46)
Mode (not Depeche) of the aforementioned song
.@clydetombaugh would approve - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald: via @YouTube #fb
What is food? (Just Mayo, GMOs, Soylent, the Impossible Cheeseburger, and good bugs)
RT @MirrorCeleb: EXCL: @amandabynes tells us she's feeling "fine" and can't understand why people are worried about her @katiehind
Wonder if anyone goes up to Jessi Colter and says, "Hey Lisa!" Most of the album is a Johnny & Willie duet album, but this song has all four.
Bozell's headquarters location is mentioned in a hit song