Benjamin Golub

We just pushed a change to make paging back through your feed more robust and reliable as you go further back in time.
ne dedi la bu - çakır
Dear FriendFeed community, We wanted to let you know that FriendFeed will be shutting down soon. We've been maintaining the service since we joined Facebook five years ago, but the number of people using FriendFeed has been steadily declining and the community is now just a fraction of what it once was. Given this, we've decided that it's time to...
start winding things down. Beginning today, we will no longer accept new signups. You will be able to view your posts, messages, and photos until April 9th. On April 9th, we'll be shutting down FriendFeed and it will no longer be available. We want to thank you all for being such a terrific and enthusiastic community. We're proud of what we built so many years ago, and we recognize that it would have never been possible without your support. - The FriendFeed team - Benjamin Golub
manda il curriculum a senape, c'è bisogno di un junior programmer per ;) - marcof
Lan göt! Kapatirsaniz mekaninizi basarim. - öküz
Corrupt Time Machine? Check your router! -
Albino Alligator Reflection -
Is it possible to upgrade from a TiVo HD to a TiVo Premier and keep my old plan? The TiVo Premier UI looks much nicer than my TiVo HD. And rumor has it a Netflix update for Premier only is coming soon! But the new TiVo plans are twice as expensive as what I pay now :(
I think I fixed the Twitter consumer. I apologize for such a long outage! was to blame.
Great Job, Benjamin - Marco Rossi
And now it's fixed again! - Stephen Mack
Bank of America took over my Schwab credit card. They shut down access to the Schwab card from the old website and won't give us access to the card on the BoA website until "sometime in December". Meanwhile my account is paperless so it's going to be a pain in the ass to make sure I don't miss a bill payment.
:( - Anne Bouey
We met this old man and his tiny dog Rusty at a creamery in Petaluma. They ride together and Rusty has his own helmet and goggles!
Har! My friend does that with her Maltese. - Spidra Webster
Does the new Messages app just know if a contact is running iOS 5 so it doesn't have to send a costly text message or do I have to somehow trigger it?
From what I have been reading, iM is the first option. Although if it cannot figure out, SMS will be sent the costly route automatically. No option to stop the message from going out... - kartik vaithyanathan
I dare say it would work off the same set of pipes as FaceTime... since iOS5 works for iPods (without SMS feature) - Johnny
Oh I figured it out. When you can send an iMessage the text input field changes from "Text message" to "iMessage". Neat! - Benjamin Golub
Yeah, it goes by AppleID, and I think it matches phone numbers to Apple IDs in its database to faciliate autodetection. - Kevin Fox
Quidditch at UC Berkeley
Thank you DreamHost for storing my password in plaintext :(
You're paying extra for that, you know. - Akiva
There should be a registry of companies that do dumb stuff with passwords. We can then query it with a chrome extension and display some sort of icon if you are on their site. I'm at a loss as to the correct icon for "dumbass site". - Joe Beda
Rock balancing in the National Aids Memorial Grove
"Peek a boo" and "I haz a shoe"
Fingers on the Fingerlakes -
Spotify via AirPlay to my Airport Express. Is it possible?
Awww. Megen found these while unpacking
Oh that's awesome! Hey, if you ever need another deck, we've got a handful of extras. :-) - Kevin Fox
And by handful he means we will likely have enough to give out at our 50th wedding anniversary! - Rachel Lea Fox
FriendFeeders at our wedding :) (this time in higher resolution)
The Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge -
Megen took this photo :) - Benjamin Golub
FriendFeeders celebrating :)
We iz so cute!!! It was an amazing wedding for an awesome couple!!! - Rachel Lea Fox
Congratulations again, Ben! - Louis Gray
I love Violet in the third one! - Rachel Lea Fox
Congratulations, Ben and Megen! - Anne Bouey
You should start to see FriendFeed email notifications again! (for comments, direct messages, etc.)
Sorry for the delay in getting that fixed. - Benjamin Golub
Once again, thanks for donating your time to us FFers! - Eric @ CS Techcast
This is a test.
This is only a test. - Rochelle
That's the truth. - sofarsoShawn
Suddenly accounts are able to chat with me on Gmail. Is this new? I'm not signed into my AOL within Gmail.
AIM user accounts have been compatible with Gmail chat for a while, now; but I'm not sure exactly how it knows that your Gmail and AIM accounts are connected (I don't remember doing that, but I guess I might have) - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE is the answer. I must have ignored that notification. Neat! - Benjamin Golub
Now I can make Gmailiza. - Kevin Fox
Highland park is blooming -