Benjamin Golub

Suddenly accounts are able to chat with me on Gmail. Is this new? I'm not signed into my AOL within Gmail.
AIM user accounts have been compatible with Gmail chat for a while, now; but I'm not sure exactly how it knows that your Gmail and AIM accounts are connected (I don't remember doing that, but I guess I might have) - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE is the answer. I must have ignored that notification. Neat! - Benjamin Golub
Now I can make Gmailiza. - Kevin Fox
Highland park is blooming -
Does AT&T waive early termination fees if I move to a neighborhood with no reception?
Macbook Pro won't boot. The sleep light comes on but the screen stays blank. The sleep light glows brighter when the lid is closed. Any ideas?
Tried removing battery, holding power button for 10 seconds, removing RAM, etc. - Benjamin Golub
Hi! I have the same problem... How's your macbook? Is it working? - Dana Mae
YouTube - Bubble-sort with Hungarian ("Csángó") folk dance -
Via Andrei Alexandrescu on Facebook. I thought FriendFeed would also get a kick out of this. - Benjamin Golub
Open Compute Project -
"We started a project at Facebook a little over a year ago with a pretty big goal: to build one of the most efficient computing infrastructures at the lowest possible cost. We decided to honor our hacker roots and challenge convention by custom designing and building our software, servers and data centers from the ground up. The result is a data center full of vanity free servers which is 38% more efficient and 24% less expensive to build and run than other state-of-the-art data centers1. But we didn't want to keep it all for ourselves. Instead, we decided to collaborate with the entire industry and create the Open Compute Project, to share these technologies as they evolve." - Benjamin Golub
I need to read more about this. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
my servers are so vain they probably think this post is about them - John
B-Glob knows how to party like whoa - Johnny
Restarted Twitter consumer. Just testing. - Benjamin Golub
Thanks, Benja..... B-GLOB????? J-Wo is tripping this morning! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Test it like it's hot! - Micah
Ice Cavern on Perito Moreno -
Cornell Facebook Camp Hackathon -
IAmA 74-time Jeopardy! champion, Ken Jennings. I will not be answering in the form of a question. : IAmA -
Ken Jennings (aka WatsonsBitch) seems like an awesome guy. I had no idea he was so funny and witty. - Benjamin Golub
Something in my apartment does ~200 MB down and ~40 MB up even when we are on vacation. TiVo maybe?
Sounds like a likely culprit. Seems like a lot of traffic, though, just to get some guide data. - Akiva
What app do you use to track this, Ben? - Louis Gray
What does Tivo download on its own besides guide data? - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
Louis: DD-WRT - Benjamin Golub
Pittsburgh Steelers - Here We Go Steelers - 2010/2011 - Fight Song -
Cr-48 Chrome Notebook Developer Information - The Chromium Projects -
How to boot your Chrome Notebook in developer mode to access the full terminal (ctrl + alt + t then type 'shell') - Benjamin Golub
I *love* the agencies that give you the booklet and say 'take what you like from aisle 4'. We had that in Orlando last year and it was awesome. We drove off in a brand new red Dodge Charger, a car I wouldn't have picked off the web site, but it was a lot of fun. - Kevin Fox
I miss list comprehensions
When I have to do PHP I sometimes write it in another language first, then translate. - Bruce Lewis
At this point, I suspect compatibility with external PHP interpreters is not especially valuable for Facebook. Perhaps the language should evolve. - DGentry
iOS 4.2 supports custom text tones. Software engineers and ops around the world rejoice: a text saying the site is down and a text from your sig other no longer have to sound the same and send you into an unnecessary panic!
finally! wow. - holly #ravingfangirl
Good idea, Ro. - Josh Haley
Welcome to Facebook's NYC office -
Moonstruck Chocolate Pumpkin Truffle -
I'm hoping the Mac App Store becomes apt/rpm for the Mac. Package management is hard; let's go shopping!
That's disappointing :( - Benjamin Golub
The Art of the Steal has me all riled up. I think I need to see this collection before it moves.
"The only sane place to see art in America" - Matisse - Benjamin Golub
10/10/10: Tree on the Erie Canal -
I see what you did there, Morgan... - Lisa L. Seifert
git bisect is the best friend of the oncall engineer