You should start to see FriendFeed email notifications again! (for comments, direct messages, etc.)
Sorry for the delay in getting that fixed. - Benjamin Golub
Wow. I thought there wasn't going to be any more work on Friendfeed after Facebook acquired it. - Morton Fox
No problemo - sofarsoShawn
Thanks, ya'll! :-) - Mathew A. Koeneker
Gettin em - thanks! - Christopher Galtenberg
I'd rather not :) - maʀtha
waht about the Twitter imports ? - Peter Dawson
Will they be on time again? - Skyler Call
Uh oh, BG - I disabled Home Feed emails about 3 hours ago, old ones still came in (ok) but new ones have started to come in since (some as of just 5 minutes ago) - Christopher Galtenberg
What about Twitter? Mine's still broken - my FF posts are published at Twitter but my Twitter messages doesn't publish at FF. There are lots more like me. - @barisunver
Stop about Twitter, please. Let's focus on email, because there's a semi-serious issue still pending. - Christopher Galtenberg
They should have the same importance. You don't seem to have a Twitter problem and I don't have an email notification problem. That doesn't mean that one problem is more/less important than the other. - @barisunver
Yes. It works - Vincio
My inbox is being literally flooded right now. I'll let Benjamin decide the priority set. - Christopher Galtenberg
FF also seems to be ignoring the Unsubscribe All email option <= HELP - Christopher Galtenberg
Partially works, cool! - Burcu Dogan
30 new emails since last comment :( Please check the code, have it look at current preferences - Christopher Galtenberg
Christopher: it's likely just a delay cause by the sudden huge amount of emails we had to send out. I'll look into it shortly. - Benjamin Golub
Thanks, Benjamin. Some are from posts only a few minutes old. Thanks again. - Christopher Galtenberg
B-Glob is on the job! - Josh Haley
Thanks. Any updates on Twitter imports? - Paola Bonomo
Trickling in, but I'm getting ' em - #cryptic
@Benjamin, at least tell us if you're gonna do anything about Twitter updates! :( - @barisunver
Once again, thanks for donating your time to us FFers! - Eric @ CS Techcast