Bank of America took over my Schwab credit card. They shut down access to the Schwab card from the old website and won't give us access to the card on the BoA website until "sometime in December". Meanwhile my account is paperless so it's going to be a pain in the ass to make sure I don't miss a bill payment.
That sucks. :( - Derrick
When they do things like this, it makes me wonder if they're counting on you missing a payment. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
There is no wonder. - Josh Haley
Ha3rvey: that's what I told the customer service guy before hanging up on him. I'm pretty sure they are just dragging their feet to collect fees. How hard would it have been to leave the old Schwab website up while they waited on our new cards to be delivered? The old cards still work, just the website doesn't. - Benjamin Golub
Wells Fargo has certainly been known to stack the deck in order to ensure more fees. - Spidra Webster
Refuse to pay any fees for nonpayment of bills they don't send you or give you access to. - Bruce Lewis
:( - Anne Bouey