Ross Miller

I found it on the internet!
Hasta la pasta, Friendfeed! It's been a great ride.
Bye, Ross. :) - Anne Bouey
Bye! - Georgia
Peace, Ross. - chrisofspades #FForever.
RT @SportsCenter: "This is on the verge of ridiculous." - Jon Gruden
RT @quip: Big congrats to our CEO @btaylor for being named in MIT Technology Review's 35 Innovators Under 35! -
RT @quip: After months of deliberation, the @Quip team has finally purchased a Bashful Yeti for the office. #skymall
RT @btaylor: Psyched for the new @Quip release today - slick new chat interface, new export options, and @BoxHQ import -
RT @nickbilton: NYT graphic: Photos: All 16 of Tim Howard's saves from the World Cup match with Belgium
RT @quip: Like new stuff? Join the @Quip for Android Beta Program and help us test the latest and greatest:
Compulsory bicycle helmets in New Zealand -
"There is no evidence that mandatory helmets reduced cyclist injuries/hospital admissions relative to overall road safety trends, despite the law causing a 51% reduction in public cycling participation and an average 90% of remaining cyclists wearing helmets." - Ross Miller
Someone found the guy for me. Unfortunately, while a helmet saved his life, it's not an entirely happy story. Still, he advocates that people wear their helmets. - Spidra Webster
Fact #396 - The only thing more annoyingly premature than Christmas decorations in early October are election predictions three years before the next election.
When you forget there is a stir straw in your morning beverage and poke yourself in the face... this is how I start my humpday...
Apple Radio is amazing if for no other reason than the first station I made was based on the song "Wake Me Up" by Avicii and the first song they choose to play is "Don't Wake Me Up" by Chris Brown... Hilarious
Posted at the gym, "'Miley's Twerkout' Bonus Workout of the Week! DISCLAIMER: if you are not sure how to perform a Twerkie, please make sure and ask one of our fitness professionals."
This has now gone much further than I thought it would... - Ross Miller
LOL! There is an air freshener in the bathroom I am in that makes a fart sound when it releases its scent. Epic.
... at least I hope that's an air freshener! o_0 - Ross Miller
National Payroll Week has got to be the lamest made up week I have ever come across...
"National Payroll Week is just around the corner and blankityblank would love for you to join us in our annual celebration.".... No... - Ross Miller
To bleat or not to bleat?
... thought the undecided goat. - Ross Miller
Not sure if you all heard, but Baron & Baroness Carrickfergus had a baby! (
Random email of the day: No subject, no body text, just a picture of a rather large entertainment center. Thanks dude... I've always wanted a picture of an entertainment center and now I've got one!
Is "entertainment center" a euphemism for something? Because if so, I can totally understand getting a random picture like that. - Brian Johns
Offices: Do I need a jungle gym and ball pit in my start-up office? - Quora -
>.< - Ross Miller
YES - Stephen Mack
Also, mail2ff still works if anyone was wondering.... :) - Ross Miller
Sweet mail2ff service! - Stephen Mack
Wait... BlackBerry's big announcement today is that they're making an iPhone & Adroid messenger app so people who bought new phones in the last 5 years can text the ~16 people on earth who still use a BlackBerry?
Gah, so distracted today... SCIURIDAE!
John Kerry - “Dennis Rodman was a great basketball player. And as a diplomat, he is a great basketball player. And that’s where we’ll leave it.”
"Please keep in mind it can take 7-10 business days to completely remove your email address from our records." - No, it doesn't take 7-10 business days to remove an email address, asshats. But at least you're honest about not actually removing my email address...
You know... it has been over 6 years since Office 2007 was released and I still spend *forever* searching for things I know exist, but I'm not sure which ribbon they're on.
┻┻ ↶╰(º□º╰) - Ross Miller
What Microsoft has been doing for the last so many years seems like changing the UI of everything, just for the sake of change. And after so many years of everything being basically the same, and users getting used to doing things a certain way, expecting things in certain places, etc., all this change seems to do nothing but make all their users, that used to be productive experts in what they were doing, go back to being newbies. And it leaves people feeling frustrated and/or stupid. And nobody likes to feel stupid, especially when they are not. But this "I don't know what I am doing any more" effect then gets used as the excuse for more change, really bad changes, designed for the stupid and clueless that they think the majority of users are. Which just alienates their power users even more (and developers, too, when all the change breaks stuff with no hopes of ever being fixable). It's one of the reasons why even if I had the money to upgrade to the latest version of Windows, I wouldn't. I got very used to doing things a certain way using the classic Windows desktop that I have used from the very first day I booted up a Windows PC, and if I was to upgrade past XP I'd have to relearn things that have become instinct over the years. It's a real productivity killer, right up there with losing your keys somewhere in your house, when you have places to go and things that need to get done. Stability means a lot more than not crashing and THIS is something Microsoft seems to have forgotten. That said, I HATE that damn ribbon crap...and you will NEVER find it in any apps I develop, EVER! And I am seriously not only thinking of giving up developing apps for Windows, but also giving up using it at all. Just need a few more things to be able to make Linux feel like home, and some of them I can take with me and run under WINE while I wait, if I have to. (need replacements for Trout, Surfulater, Notezilla, and an app that can mimic the functionality of the classic Windows taskbar in ALL its glory) - April Russo (FForever!)
Hi from NZ FriendFeed! Anything worth knowing happen in the last few weeks?
Babies born, people getting hitched, the usual. - Spidra Webster
Hi, Ross! Missed you at Murphy's on the 17th! - Anne Bouey
"You’re receiving this email because your pet has been enrolled in the HomeAgain pet recovery program." Yeah, that's probably not the best service to use someone else's email address for... o_0
Sooo what does the pope actually do? Is there somewhere to look up what decisions a pope has made recently or something like that?
how have I never heard of the Magesterium before?? How does he get the job? - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
It seems pretty clear we're going to be told by the overlords that we need to have another screen attached to us. So... do you want to wear a new screen on your eye-wear or on your wrist?
Eye, definitely. - Andrew C (see
I think Glass would be a smartphone that's more accessible. The camera's pointed where I'm looking, the display is already in front of my eye instead of having to unlock my phone... - Andrew C (see
Neat Michael Jordan fact: He has been known to check into a hotel using the name Leroy Smith (the kid who beat him out for the last spot on the Laney High School team when he was in the tenth grade)