Random email of the day: No subject, no body text, just a picture of a rather large entertainment center. Thanks dude... I've always wanted a picture of an entertainment center and now I've got one!
Is "entertainment center" a euphemism for something? Because if so, I can totally understand getting a random picture like that. - Brian Johns
Nope, no euphemism... just a ~15' by 8' TV cabinet thinger-ma-bopper with a lot of shelves... looks like he keeps a pretty clean pad, though... so props to dudeman for that! - Ross Miller
That's hilarious as a euphemism though. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
As in "Here's a pic of my XX-inch entertainment center, if you know what I mean." You have a dirty mind. - Brian Johns
"...and this one has an 'entertainment center'" Wink Wink nudge nudge - WarLord
Best kind of mind. - Big Joe Silenced