
A writer of online stories of SF, Magic and Adventure. Say it with me SteamPunk Dwarves oh yeah 40 yrs with Crohns. Got #Crohns issues lets talk
So long thanks for all the fish
My final count as 3 am - WarLord 1,494 subscriptions 877 subscribers 12,845 comments 19,659 likes
I'm also Warlord at NaNoWriMo
If you are on FLICKR and I'm not following you (warlordwrites) hit me up at https://www.flickr.com/people...
I am https://www.facebook.com/dennis... on Facebook. Contact me to talk about Cohn's or Inclusion Body Myositis or just to see the latest photobomb. Mention Friendfeed so I now who you umm really are....
Wait wait the only thing that would make the exit of friend feed PERFECT - the last post needs to be made using Google Glass with an Apple Watch doodle....
The very opposite of the entire internet: Last!
It is never about destination only and always it is about the journey and the journey should always be undertaken with friends Good Bye well met
Fwd: Good Bye ALL This has been great fun and more a place to share some good and bad as I've sorted out my life. Thanx for being you and being here. I'm still @warlordwrites on Twitter Give me a holler (via http://friendfeed.com/warlord...)
last day I get to comment again.... #mylife - WarLord
It is never about destination only and always it is about the journey and the journey should always be undertaken with friends Good bye well met - WarLord
If you are on FLICKR and I'm not following you (warlordwrites) hit me up at https://www.flickr.com/people...
Good Bye ALL This has been great fun and more a place to share some good and bad as I've sorted out my life. Thanx for being you and being here. I'm still @warlordwrites on Twitter Give me a holler
I'm also Warlord at NaNoWriMo
I am https://www.facebook.com/dennis... on Facebook. Contact me to talk about Cohn's or Inclusion Body Myositis or just to see the latest photobomb. Mention Friendfeed so I now who you umm really are....
Is anybody going to hang around the Friendfeed FB page? - WarLord
I am https://www.flickr.com/people... on Flickr where my photos reside
I am still @warlordwrites on twitter
Video Harvesting Sea Salt http://youtu.be/95DhV2ycmBk
If you don't believe in global climate change note well Minnesota's unseasonably warm March with a forecast of 70 by the 16th!!! I'm planting my orange trees later this month.....
Only in America would the highest court in the land seriously debate the taking of health insurance from 10 million people #vomitous
Honestly, I've been trying very hard to understand the other side of this argument. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how anyone was wronged/hurt by the subsidies, regardless of the potential legality of it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Most unsettling is the assumption that SCOTUS will use entirely political calculus to decide King with constitutional arguments brought out solely to buttress political viewpoints. This may be to the good Roberts may well uphold ACA knowing that the Republican party would be unable to in any way reduce the carnage of millions losing health care - WarLord
Surgeons I have met are often somewhat damaged human beings, able to deal best with patients sedated nearly to death... Hardly a surprise that Carson is a sociopath - mechanical skill without empathy is almost a definition of surgical excellence
#irony #karma #ACA The only people who will be harmed by the Supreme Court in King live in red states. By @walterdellinger: http://www.slate.com/article... via @slate
"... If the court’s majority were to rule against the government, I would guess that when all this shakes out over the next year, states with (very roughly) half the population would have well-functioning health insurance markets because the working-class citizens in those states would be entitled to federal income tax subsidies enabling them to purchase affordable health insurance. Almost all of the states whose citizens will continue to receive those hundreds of millions of dollars in health insurance subsidies will be blue states. In most red states, the dollar amount of the subsidies would be zero, and the private insurance market would collapse. ..." - WarLord
I think he makes an interesting observation about King v Burwell but it's been obvious since implementation that Red States have not done anything that would move ACA forward.... - WarLord
It was a ‪#‎treason‬ and I'll PROVE it! Here's a little thought experiment for Republicans: Nancy Pelosi as Majority Leader while George Bush is President invites Yasser Arafat to address a joint session of congress about the Iraq War... SEE I TOLD YOU Boehner committed treason.
Prince Was An Afro-Rocking, Coach-Hating High School Basketball Player http://deadspin.com/prince-...
Best use of technology? Delta's seat back screens with games, music and movies... Two thumbs way up even shifty ear plugs did not prevent me from enjoying the ride
I watched "Big Hero 6" for free in flight - WarLord
Back home and winter weather advisory of SNOW!! Welcomes us back to the frozen tundra. Our warm weather respite just a bit too short.... Missing Playa Del Carmen already!
Last night in PLAYACAR #sadpandaface
Leonard Nimoy Showed Us What It Truly Means To Be Human http://io9.com/rip-leo...
Jimmy Kimmel Got Some Doctors To Take An Educated Crap On Anti-Vaxxers http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/jimmy-k...
I'm spending a week in Cancun at Playacar Palace in Playa Del Carmen Yes it is a week away from winter
How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last http://ars.to/1EdOXWo