Only in America would the highest court in the land seriously debate the taking of health insurance from 10 million people #vomitous
Honestly, I've been trying very hard to understand the other side of this argument. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how anyone was wronged/hurt by the subsidies, regardless of the potential legality of it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
The ACA is evil and must be undone at all costs! That's the argument. Apparently. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
They simply don't want this president has a legacy, I think at the core it is a racial issue. - Sir Vali
I get that, I just don't get where the argument has any logical basis (maybe it doesn't, but I would have hoped that a logical argument was required in order to make it to the Supreme Court) - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Most unsettling is the assumption that SCOTUS will use entirely political calculus to decide King with constitutional arguments brought out solely to buttress political viewpoints. This may be to the good Roberts may well uphold ACA knowing that the Republican party would be unable to in any way reduce the carnage of millions losing health care - WarLord