
A writer of online stories of SF, Magic and Adventure. Say it with me SteamPunk Dwarves oh yeah 40 yrs with Crohns. Got #Crohns issues lets talk
I'm spending a week in Cancun at Playacar Palace in Playa Del Carmen Yes it is a week away from winter
How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last http://ars.to/1EdOXWo
How To Make Soft-Boiled Eggs: A Minute To Learn, Two Minutes To Master http://foodspin.deadspin.com/how-to-...
Downfall of a simulated celebrity: Brian Williams, Max Headroom and the performance of credibility http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
THIS: ".. Williams’ ideological function, if we view it through the extreme long lens of cultural history, was to make the delivery of news as a succession of disposable McMemeNuggets that alternately alarm or delight us and carry no sense of past or future – Muslims, Ebola, blizzard, “American Sniper,” Kardashian, repeat – seem both natural and inevitable. “The spectacle presents itself as something enormously positive, indisputable and inaccessible,” writes Debord. It is “the existing order’s uninterrupted discourse about itself, its laudatory monologue.” The revelation that Williams is just some dude given to spinning tall tales, so insignificant in itself, hints at the further and deeper revelation that the news business itself is a human concoction shaped by a particular ideological context and a specific understanding of reality ..." - WarLord
THIS: Woman's open letter to disabled toilet snob sends powerful message http://metro.co.uk/2015... via @MetroUK
What I Found At The Biggest Gun Show In Vegas http://gizmodo.com/what-i-...
12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered http://kotaku.com/12-succ.... A cool 2 million in unkept promises #kickstarter
A 79-Story Residential Tower in Dubai Is on Fire http://gizmodo.com/a-79-fo...
Six below zero with a FEELS LIKE of 23 below zero. Why exactly do I live in Minnesota
Love this times infinity
Anti-healthcare Supreme Court past the point of no return http://on.msnbc.com/1EhQRWd via @maddow
Mayo Clinic today Follow up with my endocrinologists #travelingearly #Rochester
Improving numbers in my blood work make us optimistic. More news as they get back more reports - WarLord
Pope Francis Slams 'Prejudiced Mentality' Of Believers http://huff.to/17CjFOW via @HuffPostRelig
THIS: But he also listed specific examples, saying the cardinals should see “the crucified Lord” in the hungry and the unemployed, those who are in prison and “even in those who have lost their faith, or declared themselves to be atheists, or turned away from the practice of the faith.” - WarLord
6 above today but the wind-chill will be bad 10 below so far with more wind chill in coming week
“If a thing loves, it is infinite.” William Blake
Fell tonight coming home bringing Chow Mein. Armload of carry out, a patch of ice 3 feet from my door and down I went. Seems like sprained hell out of my ankle. The good news, I went down so fast that I never got a hand down, so NO hand arm damage. Oh well limping a bit (more than a bit) but able to walk after a fashion so life goes on
Ankle much improved after a nights sleep. War Lady may drive to infusion center this morning, since it's my RIGHT ankle naturally. Not so BTW, Marshmallow Vodka mixed with Orange juice is TEH bomb - WarLord
Well, that's the most important thing... :op - Melly #FForever
How One Man's Trip to Toys 'R' Us Brought Mobility to Hundreds of Disabl...: http://youtu.be/U-NE7B0RTdA via @YouTube Like this so damn so much
I can forgive him for 30 Rock and SNL, acting as a shill for a war that cost 5000 American lives and cost us $1 Trillion Dollars, not so much....
I( grew up in the 1950s surrounded by World War 2 and Korean war vets. I wish I had a dollar for very guy who spent HIS war driving a truck in Georgia who regaled me with epic tales of his D-Day exploits or his secret missions as a commando in Pacific Theatre... That's why I have mid feelings about Brian Williams it was just so common to want that
It was just THAT common to want that "smell of gunpowder" to cling to you. It does say something about us that we need that macho crap of stand ups in camouflage in the war zone from our anchors. OTOH he sold us an war based on lies but then so did our President #Iraq #brianwilliams - WarLord
.@fdwilkinson on Republicans conceding the moral argument of Obamacare http://www.bloombergview.com/article... via @BV
Five years of sustained Republican outrage over Obamacare has yielded no replacement because it would require conservatives to either publicly capitulate to the moral logic of Obamacare, or renounce it. Random policy forays aside, Republicans remain frozen between those poles, hoping the Supreme Court will settle the conflict without forcing them to make a choice between a morality they claim to embrace and the policies that suggest they don't. - WarLord
Snowing again here this am. Just started at 9. Could last for a while... And I have to drive to Stillwater for my therapy appointment OF COURSE
Port of Rotterdam New Video Shows The Incomprehensible Scale Of Europe's Largest Port http://jalopnik.com/new-vid...
Top 10 Ways to Teach Yourself to Code http://lifehacker.com/top-10-...
Pope Emphasizes Right to Food in Address to 500 Experts - ABC News http://abcn.ws/16wfLWz via @ABC
"...Francis gave his blessing to the delegates, and some guidelines, urging them to focus on resolving "the structural causes of poverty," not just address emergencies, and to maintain the dignity of the individual at the heart of economic policy. .." - WarLord
"... He also urged them to show courage in protecting the planet "the mother of everything that asks respect and not violence." ..." - WarLord
4 reasons right-wingers are embracing vaccine trutherism http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
How to Quickly Peel a Boiled Egg in a Glass of Water: http://youtu.be/FkWISKfgqZ0 via @YouTube
Jon Mayer on Late Night: "And I'll be doing what I do best at The Grammys, being ignored by Taylor Swift" #zing
More about No More NFL's sham domestic violence partner from Deadspin Read No More's Talking Points And Guide For How To Tweet Them Support http://deadspin.com/read-no...
This can NOT possibly exist in a sane world: Melanie Marvelous Measles -- This Anti-vaxxer children’s book is getting destroyed in Amazon troll campaign http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon.
Discover Magazine The Power of Placebo http://discovermagazine.com/2014...
John Boehner has invited Pope Francis to speak to a joint session of Congress . That will be fascinating. The Republicans will squirm when he talks about money as evil and income equality and Democrats will squirm as he talks about life. The problem for Boehner, he doesn't seem to realize this isn't reliable Republican Pope Benedict
"Democrats will squirm as he talks about life"? Some group of Democrats opposed to life? Oh, wait, you mean "a woman's right to control her own body," don't you? - walt crawford
The interesting thing fpo me will be how Francis balances his message of welcoming faith with his stilt very conservative views of contraception and abortion. - WarLord
My own views are quite different from his except in areas of economic equality but then I've also been accused of being a "Cafeteria Catholic" - WarLord