Universty Business Plan Competition finals tonight. 6-9 PM on a Friday night. In Buckhead, so not even on the main campus. I promised a student a couple of months ago I'd go. LOOK AT ME DOING THINGS I DON'T WANT TO DO. </martyr>
"I’ve decided that instead of feedback, I’m replying to your essays with animated GIFs. So, if you get crying Cersei, that’s probably a bad sign for your grade"
- ellbeecee
"Who thought that was a good search? Don’t worry. We’re all friends here; nobody’s gonna judge you.
[whispered] I’m gonna judge you."
- ellbeecee
Looked at my publications dashboard today, and was sad about this article "Working the social: Twitter and Friendfeed". http://scholarworks.gsu.edu/univ_li... Not because it exists but because April 9. Sigh.
Yup, so many friendfeed-referencing article will suddenly become historical only (though now (or soon) we can make unsubstantiated rumours!)
- Aaron the Librarian
Netflix has a category "Watched by Kimmy Schmidt". It includes Doomsday Preppers, The BabySitter's Club, I Escaped a Cult and Beccasine, the Wackiest Nanny Ever, among other items.
ok. off to the car dealership to have them check (and fix, I hope) the problem my car is having. Anyone want to guess how long I'll be there? My guess is at least 3 hours.
1) flake moments this week: I forgot that I have to hit the AC button too for cool air along with the temp dial. 2) the check engine light does need to be read so at least I didnt drive 40 minutes up here for nothing. I really did check the gas cap, so og, I hope that's not it.
- ellbeecee
I mean, it's great if it's simple, but I'm going to look like a real dingbat if it is the gas cap.
- ellbeecee
Morning is stupid and needs more coffee. But it's Friday, so that's less stupid than a Monday morning. And I remembered to call the toyota dealership this morning to make an appt for tomorrow because the check engine light is on and the A/C appears to have stopped working. With any luck, it's a warranty repair, damn it.
Walked out to the printer, picked up article I printed. Came back in, sat down, wrote an item on my list of questions to ask at my 3:00, walked back out to the printer and was irritated that my print job didn't print. *headdesk*
if I had a cat, I'd want one of these.
- ellbeecee
"and I'll form the head!" (I remember way too much Voltron. :) The perils of having a younger sibling who was the perfect demographic for it)
- ellbeecee
I left a burner on on the stove all night long. Luckily it was 1) on fairly low and 2) didn't have anything flammable near it or that could have been bad. (I made a pot of beef stock yesterday and strained it just before bed. And I must not have checked the burner in my readiness for sleep.)
This ALA leadership institute application requires 4 personal statements. Sure, they're only up to 300 words each, but don't they know how busy I am? :p
yep. Most of my commutes are by train, and I often take the bus to the train rather than drive, so that keeps it down (and limits those very short trips that can be tough on cars, since I'm pretty close to the station)
- ellbeecee
Nice! I just hit 78K and have had mine since 2007. I'm debating making my next car be a fancy pants lease if my low mileage trend remains the same.
- Soup in a TARDIS