I left a burner on on the stove all night long. Luckily it was 1) on fairly low and 2) didn't have anything flammable near it or that could have been bad. (I made a pot of beef stock yesterday and strained it just before bed. And I must not have checked the burner in my readiness for sleep.)
Wow! So glad all is well. - Galadriel C.
What Galadriel said - MoTO Boychick Devil
:( Glad you're ok! - Ell Bee, See?
Scary! So glad it worked out. - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
Eek!! I see so many kitchen fires that end up badly for all involved - I'm so glad you aren't one of them! - WebGoddess
:\ - Marie
Glad it ended well - been there and done that myself. - Jen