
A writer of online stories of SF, Magic and Adventure. Say it with me SteamPunk Dwarves oh yeah 40 yrs with Crohns. Got #Crohns issues lets talk
Discover Magazine The Power of Placebo http://discovermagazine.com/2014...
John Boehner has invited Pope Francis to speak to a joint session of Congress . That will be fascinating. The Republicans will squirm when he talks about money as evil and income equality and Democrats will squirm as he talks about life. The problem for Boehner, he doesn't seem to realize this isn't reliable Republican Pope Benedict
"Democrats will squirm as he talks about life"? Some group of Democrats opposed to life? Oh, wait, you mean "a woman's right to control her own body," don't you? - walt crawford
The interesting thing fpo me will be how Francis balances his message of welcoming faith with his stilt very conservative views of contraception and abortion. - WarLord
My own views are quite different from his except in areas of economic equality but then I've also been accused of being a "Cafeteria Catholic" - WarLord
The Republicans that bought us the horror show that is IRAQ would like you to meet "Bibi" Netanyahu who will tell you a fairy tale about IRAN and Weapons of Mass Destruction #warmongers
No More, The NFL's Domestic Violence Partner, Is A Sham http://deadspin.com/no-more...
THIS: "...This is how low our standards are. Gesture toward a good cause and you're practically unassailable. No More gave Goodell and the NFL a cheap and perfect way out of a public relations disaster and we shouldn't be surprised. We do the exact same thing every day when we throw on our Toms, our pink baseball hats, and our latest rubber bracelet of choice, shopping our way into another day with pure hearts and clean consciences. ..." - WarLord
Fox News throws Paul and Christie overboard: On vaccines, GOP nuts go too far even for the propagandists http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
Then suddenly, out of the blue, Paul and Christie find themselves on the outside looking in. On Tuesday, Republican House Speaker John Boehner said every child should be vaccinated. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who once contracted polio, said he was grateful for vaccinations. And Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly said, with no small amount of passion, that vaccinations should be federally mandated: “Some things do require Big Brother.” - WarLord
Seriously I do not exaggerate, this dumb son of a bitch actually does not think government should "compel" workers to wash after visiting toilet to take a shit, before they handle your food: BBC News - US senator questions forcing food workers to wash hands http://www.bbc.com/news...
When we decided that we should seek medical and scientific knowledge from a Playboy Centerfold instead of actual doctors we went deep into the rabbit hole until now we have Republicans unsure if food workers "really" need to wash their hands after they take a shit.... We are doomed because worshiping celebrity makes us terminally stupid. I blame...
I blame the Kardashians - WarLord
Maybe it's not true of Jenny McCarthy, but surely some nude models know a lot about viral infections. - Greg GuitarBuster
America where we breast feed worry about peanuts and gluten but won't take simple step to prevent measles
If Libertarian Republicans are pro-life supporting intrusive medical rules interfering with personal freedom, how can they be #AntiVaxxer
Once you're born, you're on your own. - Johnny
ohh, pro-fetus then.... - WarLord
They're "pro-the chance of a Libertarian Republican voter being born and we'll let diseases kill off the poor ones which will likely not vote for us anyway". - Johnny
Make you a deal, you vaccinate your kids and I'll quit putting peanuts in cookies I send to school #AntiVaxxer #IAMTHEHERD #seconhandsmoke
The Republicans ALWAYS had a 2 step plan for replacing ACA: step 1) rich people get healthy, step 2) poor people die #hypocrites #Obamacare
Some of them also think Measles vaccination causes autism; just learned today from FB. - Sir Vali
New step 2) nobody gets vaccinated 3) poor people (and everybody else) die - WarLord
How exactly is one simultaneously "Pro-Life" and "Anti-VAX". Oh yeah and "Anti-Ebola" Impossible to square this circle... #hypocrisy
Rand Paul's #AntiVaxxer stance is VOMITOUS He advocates murder of children by disease we conquered years ago, An evil man pandering votes
The chaos of Super Bowl 49's last minute was a fitting metaphor (and end) for NFL's year. The only thing missing was a cheerleader punched in the face, otherwise....
Libertarians hijacked the right: How free-market zealots doomed American conservatism http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
Instead of denouncing the Koch brothers, the Club for Growth, Paul Ryan and other free-market zealots on the right, American progressives should thank them for hijacking American conservatism and compelling it to push a libertarian agenda of privatizing Social Security, voucherizing Medicare and abolishing the minimum wage that has zero political appeal. - WarLord
Obamacare’s not so bad after all, business leaders say http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas... via @DallasBizNews
YOU DON'T SAY - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Do The NFL's Anti-Domestic Violence Initiatives Actually Even Exist? http://deadspin.com/do-the-...
Read this before you watch that ad everyone is so n love with #branding - WarLord
I was an American sniper, and Chris Kyle’s war was not my war http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
"...If you really want to be a patriotic American, keep both eyes open and maintain 360 degrees of awareness. Don’t simply watch “American Sniper.” Read other sources, watch other films about the conflict. Talk to as many veterans as you can, get a full perspective on the war experience and the consequences. Ensure the perceived enemy in your vision is what it seems. ..." - WarLord
Langston Hughes’ 113th Birthday #GoogleDoodle https://g.co/doodle/95hskn
A video of poetry a powerful performance Sabrina Benaim - "Explaining My Depression to My Mother": http://youtu.be/aqu4ezLQEUA via @YouTube
Will Iowa Now Become the Next Battleground for Political Pot? http://www.mainstreet.com/article... via @mainstr
How Anti-Vaxxers Ruined Disneyland For Themselves (And Everyone Else) http://io9.com/how-ant...
After losing his daughter to Measles he wrote: Read Roald Dahl's Powerful Pro-Vaccination Letter (From 1988) http://io9.com/read-ro.... #measles #anti-vax
Roger Goodell’s credibility wearing thin amid ‘tough year’ http://www.star-telegram.com/sports...
If NFL's Super Bowl is our secular holiday "Pope" Goodell is having a tough year - WarLord
$44 million a year. I think I'm in the wrong profession. - Mark H
More than 100 cases of measles now confirmed in U.S http://news.yahoo.com/more-10... via @YahooNews. #measles #anti-vaxxers
Arizona tries to contain measles outbreak before Super Bowl http://www.post-gazette.com/news... via @pittsburghpg. Thank YOU anti-vaxxers
Health officials in three Arizona counties said hundreds of people may have been exposed to the highly contagious measles virus, three days before thousands of sports fans pour into the state for the Super Bowl. - WarLord
Yikes, the potential disaster is frightening! - Anne Bouey
Welcome to Goodell World http://www.mrdestructo.com/2015... Read this before you watch the big game PLUS damn fine writing #mustread #SuperBowl
"...Here's a horrifying game you can play during this Sunday's Super Bowl and the nearly 12 hours of pre- and postgame content: count the number of times you hear some variation of "deflated balls" and compare that to the number of times during Super Bowls XLV or XLVII you heard the phrases "two-time accused rapist" or "accused co-conspirator in a double murder." Or just compare "deflated balls" to "brain damage." Then see if the first number dwarfs a combination of the last three by an order of magnitude. It will. ..." - WarLord
#wow just wow - WarLord
#IAMTHEHERD #Crohns #spoonie I take an immune suppressant to control my disease My immune system is deeply compromised #AntiVax murders me
Anti-VAX died at Disneyland. Which is kind of appropriate since it's magical thinking of the worst kind
Not vaccinating is child abuse and reckless endangerment. Much the same as target practice in your backyard not caring where the bullets go....
My new mantra #rainbows
Bain Capitals outsourcing offshoring Mitt Romney recast as poverty warrior and champion of income equality #barf