
A writer of online stories of SF, Magic and Adventure. Say it with me SteamPunk Dwarves oh yeah 40 yrs with Crohns. Got #Crohns issues lets talk
My new mantra #rainbows
Bain Capitals outsourcing offshoring Mitt Romney recast as poverty warrior and champion of income equality #barf
#spoonie Little recourse seen for Democrats on Social Security rule change http://reut.rs/1DR7mIL via @reuters. Why do GOP hate sick people
I wonder if Michelle Obama would have worn her head scarf in Saudi Arabia if Crude Oil was still at $120 a barrel?
Ventura won't see 'American Sniper'; says Kyle is no hero http://news.yahoo.com/ventura... via @YahooNews
“Oh for f***’s sake Jenny McCarthy”: Larry Wilmore slams anti-vaxxers http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
Judge refuses to toss out Rick Perry indictment http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
Revised CBO outlook shows the 'damage' wrought by Obamacare http://wapo.st/1Bkax8L
More people have health insurance than would have without Obamacare. And the costs of Obamacare are less than projected when the ACA was signed into law. So, what exactly is the damage Alexander and the GOP are trying to repair? - WarLord
GOP amnesty paranoia erupts: How a border security bill is roiling the right http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
Two words: Berlin Wall #thatisall - WarLord
Gay Alabama legislator threatens to expose colleagues’ infidelities if they preach “family values” http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
What You Need to Know About Today's "Crippling" Blizzard: Monday Update http://thevane.gawker.com/monday-...
What Bin Laden has wrought... #securitytheatre. #hollowstate From Global Guerillas
Blizzard on East Coast Seems odd to have horrible winter weather that does not involve Minnesota... Be safe stay warm and I recommend vodka #ofcorseialwaysrecommendvodka
From Global Guerillas: Saudi Arabia's Kryptonite - a thoughtful analysis of why ISIS will quickly destroy the rulers of SA http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalg... And thence your barrel of crude oil?
5 People You Meet When You Have A Chronic Illness http://tcat.tc/1F57W4D via @thoughtcatalog
The measles outbreak that so exquisitely highlights the hubris and selfishness of anti-vaxxers was centered in Disneyland seems almost perfect karma.
#mustread In Oklahoma, a same-sex couple waits and worries on their path to the altar http://wapo.st/1tbB76h
"... And so now, in November, they were at the Hideaway to plan an actual wedding, to take place in a state where 62 percent of people in a recent poll said they didn’t approve of same-sex marriage — and 52 percent said they felt that way strongly ..." - WarLord
When it is said and done, the huge issues of politics come down to people, just people, living their lives day after day and trying to live and love and prosper in an uncertain world - WarLord
The scariest fact about the Disneyland measles outbreak http://www.vox.com/2015... via @sarahkliffc
Six of the cases were in infants too young to have been vaccinated. - WarLord
Crashed Ice is coming to St Paul -- Hey Boys And Girls: You, Too, Can Skate 40 MPH Downhill Over Jumps http://fittish.deadspin.com/hey-boy...
People Who Skip Vaccinations 'Incredibly Selfish' Experts Say https://www.yahoo.com/health... via @YahooHealth
#consent Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it – video http://gu.com/p/453dg/stw
Wisconsin governor rejects $800 million casino in Kenosha http://news.yahoo.com/wiscons... via @YahooNews
Let m clear up any confusion - this rejected Wisconsin casino would have competed with IOWA casinos! As in IOWA caucus and IOWA voters and running for president - WarLord
Aetna CEO: `Dialogue Is Changing' on U.S. Minimum Wages http://bloom.bg/1t5R91e via @BloombergTV
The 10 Greatest Tank Battles In Military History http://io9.com/the-10-...
I am taking immune suppressants to control my Crohn's so basically it's "herd immunity" or I die so fuck you anti-vaxxers #spoonie #stelera #crohns
Yes I am pleased with Stelera for my Cohn's. My disease did not flare this fall or with the cold weather snap, all vulnerable times for my Cohn's to go hot! Stelera is a IM shot every 8 weeks I'm about 16 weeks into my regimen after 2 boosters at the outset. So far #winning - WarLord
Fascinating 10 Shocking Ways the Second World War Could Have Ended Differently http://io9.com/10-shoc...
None of them are particularly shocking, and I think there are probably good reasons why most of them didn't happen differently. - John (bird whisperer)
Given the incredible reach of the Charles Lindberg led isolationist movement in United States the entry of US into WW23 was by no means a sure thing. The Japanese not attacking or waiting to launch that attack even a year or two could have quite changed outcome - WarLord
Sen. Joni Ernst calls for self-reliance from the government--though her family profited from farm aid http://fw.to/8EZGseV
It has almost become a cliche that the politicians who bray most loudly about cutting government waste and slashing "entitlements" turn out to have learned what they know about the government trough from the inside.. - WarLord
$500,000 buys a hella bunch of shoe bags - WarLord
Anti-vaxxers ruined Disneyland: Why this public health nightmare needs to be stopped http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
With at least 51 measles cases linked to initial exposure at Disneyland, the deputy director of California’s Center for Infectious Diseases announced that the theme park is no longer safe for the unvaccinated — the status of over 80 percent of those infected. The outbreak has spread to five states and Mexico, and includes six infants who were too young to have received the vaccine. A full quarter of the patients so far had to be hospitalized. And for 24 unvaccinated children in Orange County, where the theme park is located, school is no longer safe, either: They were told to stay home for three weeks after it emerged that an infected student had shown up on campus earlier this month. - WarLord
As I noted earlier: Anti-vaxxers are the second hand smoke of the 21st century - WarLord
7 enormous lies “American Sniper” is telling America http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
From LifeHacker: What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career as a Software Developer http://lifehacker.com/what-i-.... The article and comments that accompany are very interesting no matter your industry
anti-VAX is the second hand smoke of 21st century
Isn't DEC dead? - Todd Hoff
Republicans Just Relaunched Their War on Obamacare. It Didn’t Go Well. http://www.slate.com/article... via @slate
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts quoted Yuval Levin’s criticism of the 40-hour change and noted the irony that Republicans were pushing a measure that would both raise the deficit and make more people reliant on Obamacare. “This bill is corporate welfare,” she said. “Big corporations would be able to cut their coverage, and taxpayers would get stuck with the tab. I’m against adding $53 billion to the deficit so corporations can push their responsibilities onto the government.” - WarLord