
A writer of online stories of SF, Magic and Adventure. Say it with me SteamPunk Dwarves oh yeah 40 yrs with Crohns. Got #Crohns issues lets talk
anti-VAX is the second hand smoke of 21st century
Isn't DEC dead? - Todd Hoff
Republicans Just Relaunched Their War on Obamacare. It Didn’t Go Well. http://www.slate.com/article... via @slate
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts quoted Yuval Levin’s criticism of the 40-hour change and noted the irony that Republicans were pushing a measure that would both raise the deficit and make more people reliant on Obamacare. “This bill is corporate welfare,” she said. “Big corporations would be able to cut their coverage, and taxpayers would get stuck with the tab. I’m against adding $53 billion to the deficit so corporations can push their responsibilities onto the government.” - WarLord
'American Sniper' Is Almost Too Dumb to Criticize http://rol.st/1J9qWD4 via @rollingstone
"... And filmmakers like Eastwood, who could have cleared things up, only muddy the waters more. Sometimes there's no such thing as "just a human story." Sometimes a story is meaningless or worse without real context, and this is one of them...." - WarLord
After reading so many articles about this movie, I think this is the one I've been waiting for. It doesn't hurt that I really enjoy Taibbi's writing. It was nice to see him call out Hollywood for the drivel they have been producing lately and the problems with turning war atrocities into feel-good films. - Jenny H.
(also liked: taibbi's calling out on the insufferable reactionary drivel of forrest gump) - Roux
“We seem to be more frightened than we’ve ever been”: Eula Biss on anti-vaxxers, white privilege and our strange new culture of fear http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
American Sniper also known as ISIS best recruiting film ever....
I remember Polio and Iron Lungs and real fear And I remember my first dose of Salk's vaccine... We are such stupid fearful people we will bring back the scourge of plague in our narcissism
Very cool free form animation The Thief and the Cobbler - The Chase: http://youtu.be/2HR4Junqmzg via @YouTube
ISIS: Western Journalist Embedded With Group Says He Came Into Contact With Americans - ABC News http://abcn.ws/150si3G via @ABC
"I have seen many wars. That’s the strongest group I ever met. Very strong, very clever, very enthusiastic. They are extremely brutal. Not just head-cutting. I’m talking about the strategy of religious cleansing. That’s their official philosophy. They are talking about 500 million people who have to die," he said. - WarLord
he has spent time with upwards of 14 Americans -- including one from New Jersey -- during the 10 days he spent inside the group's self-styled “Caliphate." - WarLord
How Rand Paul's swipe at disability slanders 10 million Americans http://fw.to/0q2DJxZ
From Deadspin Report: Patriots Under NFL Investigation For Deflating Footballs http://deadspin.com/report-...
Wonder how many Seattle fans left early? Convinced the game was over at the 5 minute mark.... #beatthetraffic #missthebestpart
AFL-CIO Convention Delegates Condemn Mass Incarceration of People of Color http://www.aflcio.org/Blog...
The Truly Brilliant Design History of the Selfie Stick http://gizmodo.com/the-tru...
#MustSee #video #WOW Keith Olbermann Dropkicks NCAA And Penn State Through Five Glass Doors http://deadspin.com/keith-o...
Tea Party’s Constitution fraud: Why the movement’s “devotion” is a situational sham http://www.salon.com/2015... via @Salon
acupuncture this morning then light box for my rash - another "doctor" day #spoonie
it's long way from Google Glass looking dorky to Molly Milions the razorgirl in Nueromancer... #deadglass
BBC News - Google Glass sales halted but firm says kit is not dead http://www.bbc.com/news...
Google has tried to present this announcement as just another step in the evolution of an amazing innovation. But make no mistake - Google Glass is dead, at least in its present form. - WarLord
Red Bull Crashed Ice returns to St Paul. Forget NFL and PBR, how about guys and gals skating down a steep ice covered obstacle course in sub zero weather... Of course it's sponsored by Red Bull. https://www.flickr.com/photos...
8 below zero in St Paul (minus 22 C)) OTOH we have the most theatre companies of any city second only to New York City OTOH EIGHT BELOW On the bright side No Mosquitos ;)
I just killed a mosquito in my house today! It was weird even for California. - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
NO HEAT makes for a very bad not good Monday. Especially when Monday is sub zero :((. Service tech just left and we hazz. heat again! Problem was vent damper "sticking!" We cleaned damper and saved $275 cost of new motor. Yay for good troubleshooting. Small yay for me remembering just a little of my skillz Yay for warm
So glad they got it fixed up! - Jennifer Dittrich
Yes heat is good! - WarLord
Yay for heat! - vicster.
Poll: Most Americans Now Consider Romney a Stalker http://www.newyorker.com/humor... via @newyorker
NFL Refs balance the books one more time
THIS wins the internet tonight: "... It's been a slow year for people who have been looking for NFL-related erotica novels ..."
LOOK: Someone has written an erotica novel about Rob Gronkowski http://cbsprt.co/14sPxUC via @cbssports - WarLord
I caught up on The Librarians too Now I want one more so Is Galavant worth my time?
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy On Demand tonight - I liked it. Fun ride
From Global Guerillas: The Red Queens Trap as France Declares War on Islam http://bit.ly/1BMRlUG
PS: The US fell into a Red Queen's trap in 2001 that cost us thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, two lost wars, and most of our basic rights. - WarLord
Good Questions: Flat Tires, Gov. Swearing In, & NFL Fines « CBS Minnesota http://cbsloc.al/14F8qnw
This Doctor Moved Her Clinic To The Middle Of The Ocean To Help Women Get Safe Abortions http://thkpr.gs/3608164 via @thinkprogress
“The landscape has changed so dramatically since I started making this film eight years ago,” Diana Whitten, who directed Vessel, told ThinkProgress. “What I thought was a foreign story has become a local story.” - WarLord
ON the SONY Hack but TWO YEARS before it happened: The US Started a New Arms Race: Everyone is Invited to Join http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalg...