'American Sniper' Is Almost Too Dumb to Criticize http://rol.st/1J9qWD4 via @rollingstone
"... And filmmakers like Eastwood, who could have cleared things up, only muddy the waters more. Sometimes there's no such thing as "just a human story." Sometimes a story is meaningless or worse without real context, and this is one of them...." - WarLord
After reading so many articles about this movie, I think this is the one I've been waiting for. It doesn't hurt that I really enjoy Taibbi's writing. It was nice to see him call out Hollywood for the drivel they have been producing lately and the problems with turning war atrocities into feel-good films. - Jenny H.
(also liked: taibbi's calling out on the insufferable reactionary drivel of forrest gump) - Roux