Ross Miller

I found it on the internet!
It seems pretty clear we're going to be told by the overlords that we need to have another screen attached to us. So... do you want to wear a new screen on your eye-wear or on your wrist?
Eye, definitely. - Andrew C (see
I think Glass would be a smartphone that's more accessible. The camera's pointed where I'm looking, the display is already in front of my eye instead of having to unlock my phone... - Andrew C (see
Neat Michael Jordan fact: He has been known to check into a hotel using the name Leroy Smith (the kid who beat him out for the last spot on the Laney High School team when he was in the tenth grade)
This is why the internet exists. - Ross Miller
Morning bump because everyone needs more woop woop woop-ing Beyonce. - Ross Miller
Answer to Could a professionally trained human boxer survive a fist fight with a grizzly bear? - Quora -
Doesn't it seem possible to answer this question without actually fighting a bear and a human? - Ross Miller
I'm rooting on the bear full-heartedly in this scenario. I hope he wins the match, ditches the gloves and muzzle and gets a piece of the organizer and perhaps a few folks from the crowd if there's time. - SAM
I vaguely thought that pound-for-pound, humans are much weaker than primates and bears and well, most animals. - Andrew C (see
Upcycled Toy Dinosaur Hand Crocheted Scarf by antiquewhisperer -
ETSY is so epic sometimes. An "upcycled" toy dinosaur with a scarf??? Riiiiiiiight... ... ... O_o - Ross Miller
"This stylish dinosaur is sporting a hand crocheted scarf. Perhaps if the dinosaurs had been properly dressed they would have survived that drastic climate cooling. You never know." - Ross Miller
New Game: Judging from this title "Game Over: Zynga Shuts Down PetVille And 10 Other Titles To Cut Costs", and everything else you know about Zynga, how many games that end in "ville" were shut down (out of 11)? And no cheating and looking up the article before posting!
My guess is 6. - Ross Miller
I can't wait for this Instagram kerfuffle to get to the point where people who deleted their Instagram account will ask for their account to be restored and undoubtedly expect the content they didn't want Instagram to keep to be there... yeah... think about that one for a second. Believe me... it is coming.
Well, that and if you delete your account, they won't let that username get used again. I've had that happen to me before. - Jennifer Dittrich
Heh, last time I was on G+ I rage-deleted 90% of my contacts so it would stop giving me birthday notifications for people I don't know. Now it is just Louis Gray, Kevin Fox and Mona Nomura in my feed next to something that is currently hot. Oh well, I guess I tried.
Oops? - Anne Bouey
Are you saying you don't know me? :) - Louis Gray
No, I'm saying out of the people I do know, you are one of three who post there :) - Ross Miller
When someone you don't know mistakenly sends you a e-card that you know they paid for... o_________0
LEGO Finds Spare Discontinued Set So Boy Who Saved Up For 2 Years Wouldn’t Be Disappointed – The Consumerist -
This makes me so happy :D - Ross Miller
Cardboard Robot: open smart phone camera crane & robotic arm by Ken Ihara — Kickstarter -
This is awesome :D - Ross Miller
Not only do I find this type of advertisement distasteful, but it shows a whole new level of panic from Microsoft. If you can't beat 'em, might as well talk shit... I guess...
yikes :( - Amit Patel
it sure can be if you're broke and have to subsist on retrocomputing. a winning argument, in fact. - Big Joe Silenced
Suddenly granted an audience, another student voiced the immortal query, “Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses, or 1 horse sized duck?” -
Pretty sure I'd try to ride the horse sized duck... - Ross Miller
Effective! - Rochelle
So, the tech community is criticizing Oprah for tweeting about MS Surface from an iPad? Inb4 same community realizes that a not insignificant number of of tech journalists praised by said community write about Microsoft products all the time from Macs...
Not the first time she's had weird criticisms like that. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
These people camping out for Black Friday have not discovered the internet? Or just don't understand how the value of time factors into their great deal?
I mean... 5+ days in advance? You have got to be delusional to think anything you're going to buy is a deal after 5 days. - Ross Miller
Someone asked me for a PO number, which we don't actually issue for our jobs, so my 13 year old self told them #80085... because... you know... it spells boobs in calculator font... #yolo
Good thing I act professional... - Ross Miller
"Yes, sir, here's your P.O. number: FU 69 DIAF IOU12." - Stephen Mack
Mint keeps telling me I am over my budget for shopping. So I happily re-classified my purchases to other budgets. Like these new shoes, they're a utility!
Damn... now i'm over budget on utilities... should probably use the heater less :/ - Ross Miller
I just ignore those warnings :) - Georgia
You can cut cable and internet. hehe :) - imabonehead
I keep telling myself I want an iPad mini... but then can't think of what I'd use it for... please help me find reasons and list them below:
New gadgets make you happy :) - Eivind
You need a reason to use an Apple product? It exists - what more reason do you need? - Ryan Kaisoglus
Windows 8 is kind of like ! and kind of like ? and kind of like *. The app store is also very very very very very meager.
There is also a category for Government apps... which is... LOL! - Ross Miller
Does anyone here have a new windows phone and windows 8? Do they do any neat tricks? - Ross Miller
I feel like w8 phones are like unicorns... Lots of stories about them but you never see one... - Ross Miller
One of my coworkers bought a Nokia Lumia this past weekend. It looks neat with the live tiles updating in real time and you can resize the tiles. I didn't play around with his phone too much, but it looked interesting. - Arlan K.
OH: There's a new drink called Sandy, which is basically just a watered down Manhattan.
Weird, I thought it would be a very strong drink, shaken and stirred, with non-seasonal ingredients. - Stephen Mack
You know that moment when you know you can't finish all your work before you go on a trip and jump to triage mode... then you say fuck-it to triage mode and browse the internet... yeah, that.
Go Giants :D
What to hand out on Halloween to make kids WTF? I had a neighbor who would give out some horrible tasting mini toothpaste every year. 0_o
Tiny bags of red corn syrup. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Easter candy. - April Russo (FForever!)
So... why does Coke Zero exist?
Because it's DELICIOUS. - Derrick
Coke Zero is a million times better than Diet Coke. I can't stomach Diet Coke but I switched to Coke Zero after my first try of it. I'm sure it has a billion chemicals that are killing me but I drink one daily at lunch. - Steve C, Team Marina
Not sure if news anchor Maureen is upset that the other anchor calls her "Marine" or if she just has an awkward nose twitch...
SCIENCE HOBBYIST: Traffic Waves, physics for bored commuters -
Good to know I've been doing it right all along :) - Ross Miller
Damnit! Just got duped by the +1 button. Clicked it to see who +1'd a post and no one had. Turned into a red +1 aaaaand *facepalm*.
+1 :) - imabonehead
RT @sesamestreet: Big Bird: My bed time is usually 7:45, but I was really tired yesterday and fell asleep at 7! Did I miss anything last night?
Patent US6368227 - Method of swinging on a swing -
Yeah baby... yeah... - Johnny
"Lastly, it should be noted that because pulling alternately on one chain and then the other resembles in some measure the movements one would use to swing from vines in a dense jungle forest, the swinging method of the present invention may be referred to by the present inventor and his sister as "Tarzan" swinging. The user may even choose to produce a Tarzan-type yell while swinging in the manner described" !!! - Ross Miller
Listening to country music and it makes sense... I blame females.
*hands Ross a dog, a bottle of whiskey and the keys to a pick up* - Johnny
*Drinks the whiskey, pets the pick up, rides the dog* - Ross Miller
"Pets The Pick Up" is the name of my upcoming Toby Keith drum and bass remix album - Johnny