Ross Miller

I found it on the internet!
Patent US6368227 - Method of swinging on a swing -
Yeah baby... yeah... - Johnny
"Lastly, it should be noted that because pulling alternately on one chain and then the other resembles in some measure the movements one would use to swing from vines in a dense jungle forest, the swinging method of the present invention may be referred to by the present inventor and his sister as "Tarzan" swinging. The user may even choose to produce a Tarzan-type yell while swinging in the manner described" !!! - Ross Miller
Listening to country music and it makes sense... I blame females.
*hands Ross a dog, a bottle of whiskey and the keys to a pick up* - Johnny
*Drinks the whiskey, pets the pick up, rides the dog* - Ross Miller
"Pets The Pick Up" is the name of my upcoming Toby Keith drum and bass remix album - Johnny
*Please consider the environment before printing this email*
Who prints an email??? - Ross Miller
My dad. But he's old and insane and likes to keep paper records of his correspondence. - Sarah G.
Sarah, he's prepared for the zombie apocalypse when his friends will be like, "Remember when I sent you that email that one time?" and he'll be like, "Lemme look in my filing cabinet..." - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I remember when Bret first showed me Google Local and you could type "Thai food in Sonoma" and it would give you a list of the Thai joints in Sonoma. It was the future. I don't know the number of times that I have used Google Local (now Maps) since then, but I know I'll be a little sad when i upgrade to iOS 6 and gMaps is gone.
I'm not worried about losing functionality and am excited for competition in the maps space, I just have a good relationship with Google Maps :) - Ross Miller
It still there with right? - Eric @ CS Techcast
How is it that an iPod Classic still costs $250, yet you can get the fancy new bonus row of apps iPhone for $200?
2 year contract? - Tudor Bosman
Rod, for small (<320GB) drives they're almost the same price as a 1TB drive, because there isn't enough demand to keep them going at a large enough supply scale. It's kind of crazy. So they could upgrade to 1TB drives, if they wanted, but you don't need that much info in an iPod. Probably, just needs to be discontinued. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Amazon Prime: Was there a reason why Amazon chose to price Amazon Prime at $79 / year? - Quora -
"The team chose $79 mainly because it's a prime number." :) - Ross Miller
Heh. - Derrick
I was one the fence about whether or not to renew but I think that pushes me over the edge to do it. - Sarah G.
World's Most Absurd Warning Signs And Disclaimers | Happy Place -
>.< - Ross Miller
And now I'm never shaking hands again. - CAJ was here
That's what I've been trying to tell people! It does gross me out the number of grown men who have expressed great pride about refusing to wash their hands after handling their penis while urinating. - Victor Ganata
Wow. First of all, some of those are awesome! I love the "Please use other door"/"This is the other door" signs. Secondly, what is wrong with the left dude's arm/hand in that picture of the dudes shaking hands? - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
#WhileFFWasDown ╰(◣﹏◢)╯
Being happy. Best decision of my life!
My precious!
One does not simply turn off Friendfeed. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I don't understand why the news "tunes in" to moments of silence.
GameInternals - Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior -
"Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior" - THE most important thing I have read all day. I now know how the ghosts think! BOO-YEAH! - Ross Miller
Iceberg tsunami gone wild! - YouTube -
Gets crazy at 50 seconds or so... - Ross Miller
I ended up tearing my box a little - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Happy Friday! Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang. Walla walla, bing bang. -
Bumping because today is kind of like a Friday, even though it's actually a Tuesday. Most definitely approved. - Ross Miller
Happy Tuesday-Friday, Ross. - Stephen Mack
RT @OnionAdCzar: Jarritos makes fruit sodas. If you're American and don't know what fruit is, it's like a candy bar that grows on trees
RT @SFGiantsFans: PERFECT CAIN! Matt Cain just threw the first perfect game in #SFGiants history!
The most entertaining part of all the recent Apple events for me is watching the Apple & Google fangirls duke it out on G+. Freaking hilarious.
BMW i3 Concept. The Megacity Vehicle. -
Oooh! A BMW leaf! - Ross Miller
No, I was NOT just blasting Call Me Maybe with my windows down through some sektchy looking neighborhood in West Oakland. That definitely did not just happen. Well, ok, maybe it did and maybe it was awesome. And maybe you should call me...
WELP. *queues it up* - Derrick
Obama knows what's up... - Ross Miller
The Avengers may have saved the... | parislemon -
Agreed - "That’s not to downplay The Avengers success — its run has been amazing. But come on, to say that now “ranks third all-time in receipts” is misleading. It ranks third in money made, yes, but it’s a sort of silly metric. Hollywood should count and publish tickets sold in absolute numbers." - Ross Miller
Apple should add a buy button to this pop-up.
Yes - AJ Batac
I'm not really sure Apple meant to make a Facebook camera with a phone attached, but it sure seems to be working out for them.
LOL - Jenny H.
Andrew 'Boz' Bosworth's answer to: What's the history of the Awesome Button (that eventually became the Like button) on Facebook? - Quora -
"October 30, 2007 - Friendfeed adds "like" feature. As far as I can tell from my email archives, nobody at FB noticed. =/" - Ross Miller
That awkward moment when someone says, "Was just backing up my cpu and..." >.<
Uhh... - Jenny H.
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal -
Nothing short of epic. The Oatmeal has won the internets for at least a month. - Ross Miller
Months implies more than one month, right? So, 5 weeks would be considered "months"?
Not to me. - Stephen Mack
Months implies more than one month. But more than one month does not imply months. - Bruce Lewis
zerg rush - Google Search -
EPIC! - Ross Miller
RT @drewhouston: In other news, @Dropbox is launching a search engine. :)
Haha - AJ Batac
Right. - AJ Batac
ThinkGeek :: NERF Longstrike Sniper Rifle -
Why do I want this so bad? I don't even know anyone else with a nerf gun, but I have almost clicked buy about 5 times now >.> - Ross Miller
You're such a boy. =) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Dude. Get a couple and we can figure out how to use them in a video. :) - Dan Hsiao
^ most best idea I have heard in a long time. - Ross Miller
For the longest time, my Likes:Comments ratio was somewhere around 2:1. It is now 1:3. I think the shift happened when the size of the community shrank. I comment a lot more because posts stick around the feed and I have time to let them settle in. When the feed moved too fast, I would just like and move on. #FFRambles
Makes sense to me - Steve C, Team Marina
Ross, interesting observation. You're most welcome to chart your stats in this long-running thread: - Micah
Added my info, Micah :) - Ross Miller