So... why does Coke Zero exist?
Because it's DELICIOUS.
- Derrick
how is it different than diet coke?
- Laura Norvig
I see that Derrick has this handled.
- holly #ravingfangirl
They taste different, actually. I prefer CZ to DC.
- Derrick
Diet Coke tastes disgusting... And hell, I understand Coke's first diet product was Tab, which was so gross they put out Diet Coke afterwards.
- Andrew C (see
But why not just original Coke, then?
- Ross Miller
- Derrick
Cherry Coke Zero is the business.
- CAJ was here
^^ that too.
- holly #ravingfangirl
Coke Zero has a different artificial sweetener than diet coke. But I forget which has which.
- LibrarianOnTheLoose
For clarification, I meant sugar, corn syrup, whatever the sweetener might be, that might cause problems for say, diabetics or people who shouldn't consume it.
- Derrick
It maps to some under exploted market segment
- Todd Hoff
Way better than Diet Coke. Also, I love Pepsi Next.
- Eric @ CS Techcast
From the commercials I've seen over here, it appears to be the manly diet soda.
- Eivind
Coke Zero is a million times better than Diet Coke. I can't stomach Diet Coke but I switched to Coke Zero after my first try of it. I'm sure it has a billion chemicals that are killing me but I drink one daily at lunch.
- Steve C, Team Marina