It seems pretty clear we're going to be told by the overlords that we need to have another screen attached to us. So... do you want to wear a new screen on your eye-wear or on your wrist?
Eye, definitely. - Andrew C (see
Neither really but if forced, glasses over watch. - rønin
I'll pass. - Jim #teamFFrank
@Tinfoil - ubiquitous surveillance would at least come with ubiquitous wireless with effectively unlimited bandwidth caps. (or, conversely, the limits on bandwidth will hold back ubiquitous surveillance for some time.) - Andrew C (see
Wrist - Johnny
nadgers - Big Joe Silenced
Glass looks really interesting. Not sure which situations I would be wearing it though. - Rodfather
I think Glass would be a smartphone that's more accessible. The camera's pointed where I'm looking, the display is already in front of my eye instead of having to unlock my phone... - Andrew C (see