I think I fixed the Twitter consumer. I apologize for such a long outage! https://dev.twitter.com/blog... was to blame.
Great Job, Benjamin - Marco Rossi
Do you think that the Manage Applications page (https://friendfeed.com/api...) will ever be fixed? - Marco Rossi
Love that.. Thank you soooooooooo much !! - Peter Dawson
seesm that inbound to FF is working..but from FF to Twitter is not :(- - Peter Dawson
Thank you! - Ahmet Yükseltürk
Thank you! - [email protected]
Eyvallah kardeş. Allah razı olsun ilgileniyorsunuz bizimle. - Erhan Erdoğan
Loved Friendfeed as a Twitter client. Is that completely off the table? - Cliff Gerrish
Thank you! Does it have some cut-off date on retro-import? :) - Starepolsky smok
Thank you! - [email protected]
Great job! that connected my tweets to ff and all :) - alperyz
Thanks again, Benjamin! - Stephen Mack
Benj always to the rescue. Thanks!!! - AJ Batac
Mine still doesn't work. =( - rønin
Thank you, Benjamin! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Yay Benjamin! Thank you sir! - SAM
: ) though I don't import my twitter. - Franc, a rememberer
Hurrah! :) - Tyson Key
It is broken again :( - Ahmet Yükseltürk
And now it's fixed again! - Stephen Mack