Tamara, #TeamMarina

Spent so much time playing online that I got a job doing it. I'm an Internet junkie
Have you seen Seeking a Friend for the End of the World? The past couple of days watching all of your lovely posts have me feeling like the two at the end of the movie who are lying there waiting for the world to end. I've been lurking more than ever and wishing I had been more involved and posting than reading all this time. This has been a...
wonderful place to come to for all these years and value all of you who have left even a small part of your lives here <3 - Tamara, #TeamMarina
I love that film and it really does feel like that! So beautiful. I'm going to have to rewatch it now. - joey - team everyone
So nice to see you, Tamara! - Jenny H.
Thanks Jenny! I'm happy that I'm still connected with you and a number of ff'ers on *other* social networks so it's not a goodbye forever rather than a see you later in another, slightly less cooler, place. - Tamara, #TeamMarina
Developer friends: if you make a script or app that blocks pictures of spiders from the internets, you would be rich. #prettyplease #illpay
I'm not sure I'd want to test that, though ;) - joey - team everyone
So true. I'll pay for someone else to test it...I have a feeling others may chip in. - Tamara, #TeamMarina
Ohh a phobia app is a good idea. An application where you select your phobia from a drop down and all images relating to it don't show up on your browser. Hmm - Steve C, Team Marina
Wonder how much Twitter activity goes up when Facebook goes down? #obligatoryFBisdowntweet #obligatorysocialmediapondering
Best use of "Let it Go" I've heard. A dad trying to get his daughter to walk faster by singing it badly.
Whoever programmed me forgot to include the “leave work on time” script. #soundsgeekierthanintended
If you have an API we can fix that. - Todd Hoff
I'm so glad I washed my car...can't believe it's sprinkling.
Hah yeah I just saw the forecast and did my stunned face. - Steve C, Team Marina
Why is it that I wake up early and can't get back to sleep on weekends but as soon as I'm about to go somewhere, I'm ready for a nap?
Waiting for water to boil < waiting for final delivery of a project on a holiday weekend when almost everyone has already left work.
:( - Anne Bouey
Beach time with Aki. @ Carmel Beach, California http://t.co/kJDfyQFZHV
Flight is delayed until 10:00 so... @ John Wayne Airport, Orange County http://instagram.com/p...
I don't think I've ever had a clearer sign to go home than my laptop blacking out as I finished up a project and was about to start another.
I guess this is sort of a good thing. - Friar Will
I have cold mouse hand syndrome :(
Handerpants fixes everything! - Anika
Putting this to the test tomorrow! RT @FastCompany: The New Playlist For More Productive Work: Video Game Soundtracks http://www.fastcompany.com/3030502...
I occasionally do game soundtracks, but still find foreign rock to be my favorite. The tempo tends to be more consistent, while the lack of verbal understanding prevents distraction. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
My plan to be useful today has been completed. I became a seat cushion. http://instagram.com/p...
Nice start to the day: OC Pet Expo. Slightly violent end to the day: #UFC172. But a nice Saturday overall...what happened to the rain? :(
A nice bit of relaxation. @ Big Bear Frontier Cabins & Hotel http://instagram.com/p...
Oh hai Mr 2014 Milpitas Citizen of the Year aka dad! #prouddaughter @ St. John The Baptist Pavalkis Hall http://instagram.com/p...
So awesome!! - Tamara J. B.
Bay Area tweeps RT @dicksonfong: Help build the first ever "Women in UX" community in Silicon Valley. Spread the word http://www.eventbrite.com/e...
Earthquake bad. Woman that lives across the street screaming during it? Worse.
Good bye crazy desk that looked more like I worked at @kidrobot instead of @oakley. Moving to a new… http://instagram.com/p...
PSA: don't forget to turn off your weekday alarms if you don't have to go to work tomorrow!
I forgot to ask...is anyone going to be at SXSW? The last time I went, I met a very awesome Derrick ^___^
#oakleywomen's agreement + Oakley Digital Team girls 💛 @ Oakley Headquarters http://instagram.com/p...
Love it! Go Beanie! - Tamara J. B.
I haz my computer back! And it’s speedy! *hugs it*
It's sad how happy I am about this. I was about to throw the loaner out a window :| - Tamara, #TeamMarina
Think I’m on the slowest computer known to man. Thankful it’s just a loaner for the day but have no idea how I will get anything done timely
Today is one of my favorite days because if you read it wrong, it looks like Mach 1. That may also explain why the day flew by. #happyfriday
Oh how I love wasted days at work. Computer issues suck.
Hazard of working in the action sports industry: reviewing videos with GoPro footage & feeling a bit queasy from motion sickness #weaksauce
Never fails. As soon as I post about not being able to find my keys, they show up.
First person to tell me (correctly) where my keys are wins a prize. Grr.