Have you seen Seeking a Friend for the End of the World? The past couple of days watching all of your lovely posts have me feeling like the two at the end of the movie who are lying there waiting for the world to end. I've been lurking more than ever and wishing I had been more involved and posting than reading all this time. This has been a...
Apr 9, 2015
Anne Bouey,
Viva Vida,
OCoG of FF, Jimminy,
Stephen Mack,
chrisofspades #FForever.,
Brent Schaus,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Jenny H.,
Tamara J. B.,
Hookuh Tinypants,
t-ra: sentimental gorgon,
Big Joe Silenced,
That one guy. Bren.,
Melly #FForever,
ну же,
joey - team everyone,
Adam B <3 Tamara J.B.
liked this
wonderful place to come to for all these years and value all of you who have left even a small part of your lives here <3
- Tamara, #TeamMarina
I love that film and it really does feel like that! So beautiful. I'm going to have to rewatch it now.
- joey - team everyone
So nice to see you, Tamara!
- Jenny H.
Thanks Jenny! I'm happy that I'm still connected with you and a number of ff'ers on *other* social networks so it's not a goodbye forever rather than a see you later in another, slightly less cooler, place.
- Tamara, #TeamMarina