
living life in lowercase
"Anthony: Mark Foster is the key driving force on this spec right now. he has the most hands-on experience implementing it and is doing quite a bit to improve the spec in general. it's great working w/ him on it. hope to see you on the list, too!" - MikeAmundsen
Re: What's a link? - http://evertpot.com/whats-i...
"if you start pursuing a hypermedia-style route, be sure to post to the hypermedia-web list. lots of smart folks there who can offer feedback. cheers." - MikeAmundsen
Re: What's a link? - http://evertpot.com/whats-i...
"no problem. love what you're working on here. i did something a bit dff several years ago by focusing on a higher-level abstraction of links and forms -- H-Factors. http://amundsen.com/hypermedia... the idea is to identify common actions within media-types and give them a name. most all media types support the LO factor (link-outbound) and few support the LI factor (idempotent write). and so forth." - MikeAmundsen
Re: What's a link? - http://evertpot.com/whats-i...
"check out Stephen Mizell's HyperDescribe project: http://smizell.com/weblog/2014... I think you two may be working toward a similar goal." - MikeAmundsen
"Kin: Thanks for the shout-out on ALPS. I should point out that ALPS is a joint effort I am working on w/ Mark Foster of Apiary and is based on ideas initially worked out w/ Leonard Richardson (Richardson Maturity Model, RESTful Web Services, RESTful Web APIs, etc.). As you can tell from the thread you're watching, there is still quite a bit of work to be done to make ALPS useful and I am always willing to talk w/ folks about it anytime, anywhere. Anyone interested in helping us sort this out and make it better can visit http://alps.io and find links to the current IETF Draft, the repo and discussion list. Thanks for putting us in your radar!" - MikeAmundsen
Introduction au Mundaneum - Paul Otlet, visionnaire - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Paul Otlet, visioning a web in 1934 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @hlgr360: "Okta’s New Mobile Device Management Tool Separates Work And Personal Data" http://techcrunch.com/2014...
i'll be monitoring the historic Rosetta/Philae comet landing today. http://new.livestream.com/ESA... #CometLanding
"It would be an autonomous machine that allowed the user to create a highly personalized information... https://plus.google.com/+MikeAm...
“The book is to the brain as the tool is to the hand.” -- Paul Otlet #readingToday Hand tools had helped... https://plus.google.com/+MikeAm...
RT @kfury: "Prof. Mandelbrot? It's Dr. Schrödinger. I seem to have a problem." https://twitter.com/ennisca...
RT @seancribbs: That thing where you find an old talk abstract that didn't get accepted and you still want to give that talk
"[Biblions are] how each atomic unit of information would receive a fixed locator record to ensure its... https://plus.google.com/+MikeAm...
RT @NathRochs: I spy a little #api360 swag at #CAWorld precon sess SCX14E - how to innovate biz through APIs @apiacademy @CAapi https://twitter.com/NathRoc...
RT @HoardingInfo: Why “Enterprise DevOps” Doesn’t Make Sense http://devops.com/feature... #DevOps
Wheels down at LHR! #mcaTravels
Boarding last leg of today's flight: CVG-EWR-LHR. Delayed due to servicing but finally allowed to board. London, here I come! #mcaTravels
Boarding first leg of today's adventure. CVG-EWR-LHR. Ten days in London for conferencing and mtgs. #CCSDSorg #API360 #mcaTravels
all packed and ready to head to the airport for another adventure. CVG-EWR-LHR. just a short jog, really. #mcaTravels.
RT @randal_olson: When to fly to get there on time? Six million flights analyzed. #travel #dataviz Source: http://www.r-bloggers.com/when-to... https://twitter.com/randal_...
very cool Cj browser written with @eiffel_software https://github.com/jvelill... /cc:@collectionjson
Looks like @mikekelly85 has owned up a clothing shop in downtown Tokyo ;) #hal https://twitter.com/mamund...
RT @deepak_nadig: My QCon slides on the Evolution of the PayPal API Platform is at http://www.slideshare.net/deepakn.... Thank you for having me #qconsf
just 24hrs after returning from Tokyo i'm packing for 10 days in London for CCSDS mtgs (http://public.ccsds.org/default...) & #API360 Summit #mcaTravels
just 24hrs after returning from Tokyo, i'm packing again for 10 days in London for http://ccsds.org/ mtg & #API360 Summit. #mcaTRavels
first time at my office desk in over two weeks -- feels odd. and i've got a crap-ton to get done here before heading to London for two wks.
Wheels down at CVG! #mcaTravels