Netflix: Man with the Movie Camera -
"Cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's controversial 1929 film still pulses with energy, innovation and genius. This landmark silent masterpiece from the Soviet avant-garde director stylishly highlights the buzz of everyday city life (shops, traffic, children, coal miners, nature) as seen through the eyes of a roving cameraman. Many filmic devices are used to comment on vision, life, Marxism and modernity in the Soviet Union." - Michael Muller
"With this movie, I was transported into a different era and watched a buzzing life of a large Soviet city unfurl right in front of me. This movie accomplished what it claimed to do--it used a purely cinematic language to engage a viewer. The sound track greatly helped it. An amazing way to get a glimpse into a pre-war life in the Soviet Union! There is so much minute detail for a curious viewer: what a large city looked like, what people were wearing, eating and drinking, how they spent their free time, etc. I especially loved the close-ups of people's faces. Faces of children! A story line or narration would not have given me such a wealth of information. This is a "watch and think", not a "watch and forget" movie." - Michael Muller
A must-see for anyone interested in flilm or photography, - Michael Muller