Michael Muller

Father of Nations
PC Mag surprise online, what a ripoff.
My friend gave me a subscription to PC Magazine for Christmas. I just received the first issue in the mail and it had a note attached to the wrapper: "This will be the last paper issue. After this the magazine will be available online only." That switchover was never mentioned when my friend bought the gift subscription. - Michael Muller
Online is nice but not as versatile as good old steady state ink on paper capture. I read the NY Times online everyday but I sure wish I could afford the paper version so I could carry parts of it everywhere I go. I like to be able to rip out part of a magazine or newspaper and tuck it away. - Michael Muller
Wow, poor timing - Casey Muller
Can they actually get away with that, or is that the equivalent of buying a boxed set of DVDs and receiving a note saying "physical media will not be shipped, you can watch them on Hulu" - Robin Barooah
YouTube - Real Food Is..JUNA. - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Casey's sister, Juna Rosales Muller, is the girl who takes a tray at about :50 seconds and then sits on the right in the table scene with three people. . "This movie was made by the Colorado College Farm Club! Last year, we started a student-run 1.3 acre organic garden near campus. Colorado College's dining service has started to use produce from our garden..." - Michael Muller
Bookmarklet not working properly.
When I found an interesting page I clicked on "Share on Friendfeed" as usual, but the bookmarklet came up inside of www.friendfeed.com and didn't stay on the page I wanted, and didn't allow me to add images. I tried again after, saving and overwriting the bookmarklet app, but it still didn't work. The site was in Japanese, is that important? - Michael Muller
Sorry; like Jon said, it's because of frames. If you go to this frame directly, it will work: http://www.vill.inakadate.aomori.jp/frame... - Casey Muller
wingsuit base jumping on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/1778399
Insane with a membrane! - Michael Muller
Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream - http://www.benjerry.com/
"Ben & Jerry has just created the "Yes Pecan!" ice cream flavor for newly elected President Barack Obama. They are evaluating ideas for an ice cream to memorialize the end of the Wubya administration of George W. Bush. A number of ideas have been submitted and are listed below: - Grape Depression - Abu Grape - Cluster Fudge - Nut'n Accomplished - Iraqi Road - Choc 'n Awe - WireTapioca - Impeach Cobbler - Guantanmallow - imPeachmint - Good Riddance You Lousy Motherf*cker... Swirl - Heck of a Job, Brownie! - Neocon Politan - RockyRoad to Fascism - The Reese's-cession - Cookie D'oh! - The Housing Crunch - Nougalar Proliferation - Death by Chocolate... and Torture - Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream - Chocolate Chip On My Shoulder - "You're Sh*tting In My Mouth and Calling It a Sundae" - Credit Crunch - Mission Pecanplished - Country Pumpkin - Chunky Monkey-in-Chief - George Bush Doesn't Care About Dark Chocolate - WMDelicious - Chocolate Chimp - Bloody Sundae - Caramel Preemptive Stripe" - Michael Muller
Obviously chocolate chimp is the most tasteful choice they could make. - Robin Barooah
But doesn't "Chocolate Chimp" unfairly demean both chocolate and chimps? - Michael Muller
I think they should do all of them. imPeachmint definitely sounds the grossest. - Ryan
SERVICE INTERRUPTION: (From T.K. Wang) "Dear World: We, the United States of America, your top quality supplier of the ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for our 2001-2008 interruption in service. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service outage has been located, and the software responsible was replaced...
......and the software responsible was replaced November 4. Early tests of the newly installed program indicate that we are now operating correctly, and we expect it to be fully functional on January 20. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage. We look forward to resuming full service and hope to improve in years to come. We thank you for your patience and understanding, Sincerely, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA " - Michael Muller
Yo-Yo Ma Picks Music Contest Winners : NPR Music - http://www.npr.org/templat...
"Now, after listening to 354 submissions, Ma has chosen not one, but two winners — hear him pick the winning entries by clicking the link above — whose musical DNA couldn't be more opposite. ________________________Toshi is a native of Japan whose father wanted him to learn their country's traditional music. "Instead, I chose to bang my head," Toshi says. "That was the beginning of my heavy-metal history. Thanks to Iron Maiden. I formed my very first band when I was 15." Now, Toshi writes music for his band Antiquus, based in Vancouver. ______________From the opposite end of the aural spectrum comes the gently clanging tones of hand bells, courtesy of composer and arranger Kevin McChesney. His music has won him a number of awards, and he now directs the Pikes Peak Ringers from his home in Colorado Springs, Colo." - Michael Muller
Now all we need is someone to go to www.Jamglue.com and combine Yo-Yo Ma playing his "Donna Nobis Pacem" on viola with both of the winning accompaniments: hand bell chorus and heavy metal, all toghether. - Michael Muller
Away - No Home for Squares - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2009...
"The master bedroom consists almost entirely of a 100-inch-diameter round waterbed ringed by windows and, in one spot, a small kiva fireplace. Scraps of carpet are stapled to the low ceiling, which is punctuated by a central skylight. One enters the room by climbing through a four-and-a-half-foot opening in a rock wall, reached by a stepladder. It feels like crawling into a womb. “Bar none, it’s the sexiest place in the house,” noted Ms. Findlay. Granted, it’s not the most practical place to sleep, but the Findlays move around among the home’s five bedrooms." - Michael Muller
Does Exercise Really Make You Healthier?: Scientific American - http://www.sciam.com/article...
"Makes you smarter - - - - - Researchers have long believed that exercise boosts smarts but there was not any hard scientific evidence until a few years ago. Now, says Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, a neurosurgery professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, it's known that exercise increases levels of some molecules in the brain that are very important for cognition. One such chemical is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule that promotes the growth and survival of brain cells as well as communication between them. Studies in rats show that physical exercise boosts BDNF levels in the hippocampus, a brain structure critical for learning and memory formation, which in turn helps them remember how to navigate their way through underwater mazes. "The more exercise, the more changes in the brain; we found almost a linear relationship," Gomez-Pinilla says. "If we block the BDNF gene, we block this capacity of exercise to help learning and memory." - Michael Muller
YouTube - Theres no one as Irish as Barack OBama- Corrigan Brothers - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
My own Mexican grandmother married an Irishman in Guanajuato, Mexico. Not just the Maloneys are Irish descendants you know. - Michael Muller
At M.I.T., Large Lectures Are Going the Way of the Blackboard - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/glogin...
"For as long as anyone can remember, introductory physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was taught in a vast windowless amphitheater known by its number, 26-100." - Michael Muller
No, we used whiteboards and huge display screens. - Casey Muller
Kauai Self Portrait on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/2787639
I have made a lot of little high definition recordings with my Flip 3.3 ounce videocamera and am looking for an online repository for them. Now I would like to know if you feel there is a clear difference between this video as it looks on YouTube or on Vimeo. .................................I suggest that you view the video full screen in Vimeo by first clicking the above arrow and then clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the screen that comes up . ............If your computer is older you might want to pause the video for a little while so it can download more quickly and not be jerky or pixellated. What do you think? Please let me know. - Michael Muller
To me this Vimeo one looks a little better, but I think they're very close. The YouTube one buffered much faster for me. - Casey Muller
Vimeo responded to my email and told that the video did not load as HD but as standard. The Flip Mino HD software converts HD into lesser format! Ugh. - Michael Muller
YouTube - Kauai Self Portrait - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Now I would like to know if you feel there is a clear difference between this video as it looks on YouTube or on Vimeo. .................I suggest that you view the video full screen on YouTube by first clicking the above arrow and then by clicking in the middle of the resulting image; and when a new window opens then clicking the icon in the lower right to see the video full screen . ........... If your computer is older you might want to pause the video for a little while so it can download more quickly and not be jerky or pixellated. What do you think? Please let me know. - Michael Muller
“I'm being given a Flip MinoHD for Xmas. Anyone have any suggestions about tripods, steadiness issues, software tricks, or creative ways to use it?”
stop drinking? - Adrienne
Timekeepers Extend 2008 by a Second - Science - InfoNIAC - http://www.infoniac.com/science...
As I usually hold my breath from one year to the next (and from one US state to the next) the challenge will be a little more this year. - Michael Muller
Meghan Daum: World's first collaborative online orchestra - http://www.meghandaum.com/latimes...
"Want to apply? Go to YouTube's symphony channel and download the sheet music for your instrument for the Internet Symphony No. 1 "Eroica," a new work by Chinese composer Tan Dun. Then make a video of yourself playing your part -- and another playing a different composition -- and upload them to YouTube. If you need tutoring, there's a clip of the London Symphony Orchestra performing Tan's piece as well as video master classes from individual players. " - Michael Muller
Toxel.com » Creative and Unusual Sofa Designs - http://www.toxel.com/inspira...
Awesome! I love the flying carpet one, and also the velvet one. I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable. - Ana
These are really cool. I wish galleries like this would make it clear which are conceptual designs, which are built prototypes/art pieces, and which are actually available to normal consumers. - Casey Muller
It's weird that the infinity one looks like a rendering b/c I think I've actually seen it in a hotel lobby before. - Ana
Which way is the dancer spinning… clockwise or counter-clockwise? - http://lateralaction.com/article...
Most people will see her turning counter-clockwise, which apparently means you’re more left brained (logical). I see her spinning that way, and it’s at first almost impossible to imagine her going clockwise. But it happens, usually by focusing or when something unexpectedly alters your perception. - Michael Muller
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Get over it, Clinton haters | Salon - http://www.salon.com/opinion...
"Obama's choice of rival Hillary Clinton for secretary of state shows his political wisdom. And the vetting suggests the Clintons -- surprise! -- have little to hide." - Michael Muller
johngrahamspeaker.org - | Obama Rocks Abuja | Obama, America, World, Over, Could - http://johngrahamspeaker.org/obama-r...
"I was in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, when CNN announced that Obama had won. It was seven in the morning and, as word spread, the city seemed to surge with joy. I could hear Obama’s name shouted in the streets. People who spotted me as an American high-fived me and clapped me on the back. I’m told that many Nigerian babies were named Obama that day." - Michael Muller
"In Kano, a Muslim city in the far north of the country, a place where there are strong feelings against America, school kids chanted Obama’s name. In Rivers State, a poor area, a struggling health clinic posted a huge sign over its doorway that said “Yes We Can.” In Lagos, newspapers ran full-page ads congratulating Obamaon his victory. From watching African and Middle Eastern television channels in my hotel, I could see the euphoria spread all over the developing world." - Michael Muller
".....This Obama feeling was more like a bolt of lightning, an arcing shock that in an instant made the impossible possible, and in whose light no challenge was beyond human reach, including, in the developing world,a seemingly endless list of “impossibles” such as ending waterborne diseases and cleaning up the corruption that cripples progress. Two months before he takes the oath of office, Barack Obama instantaneously became a beacon of hope for countries whose own leaders do not provide that hope and, for most of them,never have." - Michael Muller
"Some of the stranger ice formations you're likely to find in the woods are called "frost flowers" or "feather frost". A typical example looks like a small puff-ball of cotton candy, a few inches across, made up of clusters of thin, curved ice filaments." - Michael Muller
Is it starting to get frosty in Ojai? - Casey Muller
90 degrees today, so cotton candy will have to serve as simulacrum..... - Michael Muller
The 2008 election: Where are they now? Salon catches up with some of the also-rans, has-beens and future standouts from the 2008 election cycle. - http://www.salon.com/news...
Salon.com : "After watching both of her older sisters go through with unwanted pregnancies and get married off as teens, Piper Palin attended Wellesley College and Harvard Law School, before returning to her violent, bankrupt hometown of Wasilla as a community organizer. Piper became the first female vice president of the United States in 2045." - Michael Muller
"Chelsea Clinton became president in 2045." - Michael Muller
"John Edwards guards the castle at Isengard and hopes one day to run for president of Mordor." - Casey Muller
I certainly hope someone will tell Piper Palin about the free bus that runs hourly between Wellesley and MIT. And she should know about other areas of cooperation such as The Toons.... - Michael Muller
We did it together.....
In gratitude~~ "Everything ends up alright. If its not alright - its not over." -Plato - Michael Muller
From England
A Gen X response to Barack Obama | Salon Life - http://www.salon.com/mwt...
"Dear boomers: We're sorry for rolling our eyes at you all these years. We apologize for scoffing at your earnestness, your lack of self-deprecation, your tendency to take yourselves a little too seriously. We can go ahead and admit now that we grew tired of hearing about the '60s and the peace movement, as if you had to live through those times to understand anything at all. It's true, we didn't completely partake of your idealism and your notions about community........We knew we shouldn't care that some of you were wearing socks with sandals and smelled like you'd been on the bus with Wavy Gravy for the last three decades, but we cared anyway. We couldn't help it. It's just who we are. " - Michael Muller
Casey Rosales Muller went to Camp Winnarainbow when he was 10 years old. As we walked by an older man at the camp Casey cheerfully greeted him with "Hi Wavy!" Casey then participated in a trapeze act with a boy named Biko at the Big Show. Has Casey ridden a unicycle for you? One of his many circus skills. - Michael Muller
Yes. Juggling, trapeze, six feet off the ground stilt walking....... - Michael Muller
Wow. talk about an illustration. - Michael Muller
Vows - The Courtship and Wedding of Erik Hyman and Max Mutchnick - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2008...
"At the time, Mr. Hyman was recovering after a period of “sadness and loss,” he said, referring to the years following the death of his longtime partner, the photographer Herb Ritts.---------------- Mr. Mutchnick was also alone, but for a different reason. “My career has been the centerpiece of my life,” he said. Then in 2006, the final episode of “Will & Grace” was broadcast, and Mr. Mutchnick found himself envying Will Truman, his fictional counterpart, who had committed to a life partner and started a family. “Will had gotten ahead of me,” he said. “I was watching the character have an experience I knew nothing about.”" - Michael Muller
Obama-Inspired Black Voters Warm to Politics - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2008...
Bianca Williams, 20, a hair stylist in Brooklyn, said the campaign had changed her life. After seeing Mr. Obama in the first debate, Ms. Williams decided to go back to community college part-time. “After seeing his success, I started thinking maybe I could help my community like he did,” she said. “If he could do it then I could do it. It woke me up, careerwise. It just gave me the willpower to go on.” - Michael Muller
John Dean:The Evidence Establishes, without Question, that Republican Rule Is Dangerous - http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean...
"Why It Is High Time to Fix This Situation, For the Good of the Nation By JOHN W. DEAN Friday, Oct. 31, 2008 Occasionally, during the past eight years of writing this column, I have addressed the remarkably dangerous manner in which Republican Party officials rule the nation when they control one or more of the three branches of the federal government. Over the same period, I've also made this argument, even more directly and loudly, in three books on the subject. In this column, I will be more pointed on this subject than I have ever been, while also repeating a few key facts that I have raised earlier - because Election Day 2008 now provides the only clear remedy for the ills of Republican rule." - Michael Muller
"The Republican Approach to Government: Authoritarian Rule----------- Republicans rule, rather than govern, when they are in power by imposing their authoritarian conservative philosophy on everyone, as their answer for everything. This works for them because their interest is in power, and in what it can do for those who think as they do. Ruling, of course, must be distinguished from governing, which is a more nuanced process that entails give-and-take and the kind of compromises that are often necessary to find a consensus and solutions that will best serve the interests of all Americans. " - Michael Muller
"........If Obama is rejected on November 4th for another authoritarian conservative like McCain, I must ask if Americans are sufficiently intelligent to competently govern themselves. I can understand authoritarian conservatives voting for McCain, for they know no better. It is well-understood that most everyone votes with his or her heart, not his or her head. Polls show that 81 percent of Americans "feel" (in their hearts and their heads) that our country is going the wrong way. How could anyone with such thoughts and feelings vote for more authoritarian conservatism, which has done so much to take the nation in the wrong direction?" - Michael Muller
NOVA | Hunting the Hidden Dimension | Watch the Program | PBS - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh...
1. Fractal Basics: They're odd-looking shapes you may never have heard of, but they're everywhere around you—the jagged repeating forms called fractals. If you know what to look for, you can find them in the clouds, in mountains, even inside the human body. running time 11:36 - Michael Muller
5. Nature's Fractal Nature: With carbon dioxide levels around the world rising, a team of American scientists travels to a rain forest in Costa Rica. They employ fractal geometry to analyze how much CO2 the rain forest can absorb. running time 7:52 - Michael Muller
NOVA | Hunting the Hidden Dimension | PBS - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh...
1. "A Radical Mind: Benoit Mandelbrot is a true maverick, as his interview reveals. 2. The Most Famous Fractal: What exactly is the Mandelbrot set? Find out in this excerpt from the book Fractals: The Patterns of Chaos. 3. Design a Fractal: Create and save your own wildly colorful fractals using our generator. 4. A Sense of Scale: Explore the infinite detail of a Mandelbrot set as you zoom to a magnification of 250,000,000x." - Michael Muller
"Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line." - Michael Muller
And here I thought there were no mavericks left. - Casey Muller
Tell Mukasey: Don't use the Department of Justice to suppress Ohio voters. - http://act.credoaction.com/campaig...
Now, President Bush is trying to run around the Supreme Court by getting the Department of Justice to intervene. On Friday, October 24th, Bush reportedly asked Attorney General Mukasey to investigate whether as many as 200,000 voters need to reconfirm their registrations before November 4th. This is hugely problematic, for a couple of reasons - Michael Muller