Getting a kick out of seeing one of my photographs in today's New York Times :)
"Abnormal Returns Of U.S. House of Representatives" by Alan J. Ziobrowski, James W. Boyd et al. -
"A portfolio that mimics the purchases of House Members beats the market by approximately 6% annually" - Simon
I read somewhere they are exempt from insider trading charges. - Private Sanjeev
Wow, I didn't realize that they were exempt: - Simon
Noticed that a Utah wedding photographer decided to use one of my photos on her website without permission. On the one hand I'm flattered, but on the other it's not as if she doesn't have a camera herself...
f post suite post ranch inn big sur b.jpg -
Sharing Information Corrupts Wisdom of Crowds | -
"certain conditions must be met for crowd wisdom to emerge. Members of the crowd ought to have a variety of opinions, and to arrive at those opinions independently. Take those away, and crowd intelligence fails." - Simon
"LG Electronics has claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. “We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.”" - Simon
BBC News - Pensioner in Georgia cuts Armenia off from internet -
"The country found itself offline for hours on 28 March after cables linking Georgia to Armenia were damaged. A 75-year-old woman had admitted damaging fibre-optic cables while scavenging for copper. She has been charged and reportedly faces up to three years in prison." - Simon
Excellent Hack :)- - Peter Dawson
God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible -- Almost : Discovery News -
"God had a wife, Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshiped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to an Oxford scholar." - Simon
I bet they broke up when she found out about Jesus. - Private Sanjeev
A special report on the future of the state: California reelin' | The Economist -
"Lessons from a place that combines most of the shortcomings of the modern Western state" - Simon
"Yahoo! will be closing AlltheWeb on April 4, 2011, as we focus on other features to improve your search experience." - Simon
Anyone know what this symbol means? I think it might be Farsi.
It might be upside down. - Simon
You say "tomato" and Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn say "tomato".
Do a significant number of Americans still pronounce it "toe-mah-toe"? I've only ever heard it pronounced "toe-may-toe" since I've been here. - Simon
Microsoft Makes Apple Refile "App Store" Brief Because the Font Is Too Small -!57802...
"The document Apple submitted was not only too long, according to Microsoft, but also "printed in less than 11 point font," an apparent violation of court rules which require letters of a reasonable size." - Simon
[2007] Apple - Thoughts on Music -
"Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats. In such a world, any player can play music purchased from any store, and any store can sell music which is playable on all players. This is clearly the best alternative for consumers, and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat." - Simon
Those Plastic Bread Ties Tell You What Day Your Bread Was Baked -!57773...
When Income in America Grows, Who Gains? -
Interactive chart. e.g., "Between 1971 and 2008 average incomes in the US grew. All growth went to the richest 10%. Income for the bottom 90% declined." - Simon
It's interesting comparing the stats for different start and end years. - Simon
HarperCollins Puts 26 Library Loan Cap on Ebook Circulations -
"In the first significant revision to lending terms for ebook circulation, HarperCollins has announced that new titles licensed from library ebook vendors will be able to circulate only 26 times before the license expires." - Simon
MIT Scientist Captures 90,000 Hours of Video of His Son's First Words, Graphs It -
"In one 40-second clip, you can hear how “gaga” turned into “water” over the course of six months. In a video clip, below, you can hear and watch the evolution of "ball."" - Simon
European Court of Justice rules that gender-based insurance pricing is unlawful -
"The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has outlawed the practice of pricing insurance premiums based on gender. The ruling, which will be formally handed down later today, means that premium pricing based upon other areas of discrimination, such as age or disability, is also incompatible with European law." - Simon
What do folks think about this ban? What if it insurance pricing used race or ethnicity for adjusting premiums? "Oh, you're Jewish. Ok, we'll raise/lower your premiums by $X". - Simon
Can we just generalize this to a ban on any use of personal data? Or perhaps a more general ban on any company in any industry setting prices based on expected cost of service? I think if you're going to prohibit these sorts of things, you might as well just nationalize the industry and provide the service to everyone, paid for with taxes that are not based on your expected health care costs. - Seth
Portraits by Martin Schoeller -
The police and firearms: Calling the shots | The Economist -
"Less than 5% of police officers in England and Wales carry a gun on duty. Infinitely fewer fire one, and fatal shootings by police are vanishingly rare (there were two in 2009-10)." - Simon
TSA Source: Armed Agent Slips Past DFW Body Scanner Multiple Times -
"The source said the undercover agent carried a pistol in her undergarments when she put the body scanners to the test. The officer successfully made it through the airport's body scanners every time she tried, the source said." - Simon
For some reason it seems to be hard to find evaluations for industries that offer predictions. Which is the most accurate weather forecaster? Or stock analyst for a given sector? Or credit rating agency? It's not as if the data doesn't exist...
Stateless in Somalia, and Loving It - von Mises Institute [2006] -
"Somalia has done very well for itself in the 15 years since its government was eliminated. The future of peace and prosperity there depends in part on keeping one from forming." - Simon
Perhaps not... - Simon
Nice try, Mises. - Stephen Mack
Even after WebCamGate the assistant principal and supervisor of technology are still at the school. If authorizing covert photos of kids in their bedrooms doesn't get you fired, it makes me wonder what you have to do... - Simon
Lindy Matsko and Carol Cafiero still appear to have their original roles:, - Simon
Palo Alto, California -
"On July 2, 1925, Palo Alto voters approved the annexation of Mayfield and the two communities were officially consolidated on July 6, 1925. This saga explains why Palo Alto has two downtown areas: one along University Avenue and one along California Avenue. The Mayfield News wrote its own obituary four days later: It is with a feeling of deep regret that we see on our streets today those who would sell, or give, our beautiful little city to an outside community. We have watched Mayfield grow from a small hamlet, when Palo Alto was nothing more than a hayfield, to her present size … and it is with a feeling of sorrow that we contemplate the fact that there are those who would sell or give the city away." - Simon
If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache? -
"And so was born Chinese restaurant syndrome (CRS) and a medico-academic industry dedicated to the researching and publicising of the dangers of MSG - the foreign migrant contaminating American kitchens. [...] Science has still not found a convincing explanation for CRS: indeed, some researchers suggest it may well be to do with the other things diners have imbibed there - peanuts, shellfish, large amounts of lager. Others say that fear of MSG is a form of mass psychosis - you suffer the symptoms you've been told to worry about." - Simon
"My friend Nic came round. He told me about a Japanese restaurant he'd been to that gave him headaches and a 'weird tingling in the cheeks' - until he told them to stop with the MSG. Then he was fine, he said. I nodded and I served him two tomato and chive salads; both were made using the very same ingredients but I told him one plate of tomatoes was 'organic', the other 'factory-farmed'. The organic tomatoes were far better, we agreed. These, of course, were the tomatoes doused with mono sodium glutamate." - Private Sanjeev
Hardcover Book: Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking: Nathan Myhrvold -
List price: $625. - Simon