
To change directions, you must apply torque. Gal 2:19-20.
Soon To Be A Fine Wine - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
RT @Audie08: You could save $1.4 trillion by switching to Ron Paul. http://t.co/tChaiydh
RT @christinelu: "Here Are The Amazing Kiva Robots That Amazon Just Bought For $775 Million" [BI] -- http://www.businessinsider.com/here-ar...
RIP manos de mono, we hardly knew ye; long live node.js https://t.co/JVWWPTZP #node #manos
坐而论道 坐而論道 zuò ér lùn dào to sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice (idiom)
RT @hopparazzi 龍年快樂! 祝 大家 心想事成! 萬事大吉! 合家歡樂! 財源廣進! 恭喜發財!
自由 zì yóu freedom; free; liberty; CL:個|个[ge4] HSK5
Chinese gov't poster shows TWO children. Writing on the wall. http://www.newyorker.com/online... Good observation @eosnos.
Great post by laowai on the dangers of speaking Chinese http://laowaichinese.net/linguis...
RT @raykwong: 157,588 Chinese students @ US universities, a 23% bump from year prior. http://behindthewall.msnbc.msn.com/_news... (MSNBC, by @adriennemong)
挖空心思 wā kōng xīn si to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything for an answer; to rack one's brains
"The price for the first line of pan-doo brew, slated for the shelves this spring, is estimated at around 215,000RMB per pound."
RT @google: .@hemispheresmag chats w/ Mike Cohen on our data-driven approach to speech recognition around the world http://www.hemispheresmagazine.com/2012...
优异奖 優異獎 yōu yì jiǎng excellence award; merit award
RT @ifindkarma: Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled. http://106miles.net/convo... /cc @ericries
RT @raykwong: China sends two giant pandas to France via FedEx. http://www.marketwatch.com/story...
RT @danslimmon: You can break down Chinese characters to learn their meanings! "绿", meaning "green", is made of "silk", "pig's head", & "water"! Wait, what?
RT @david__moser: US student jogs from Beijing to the sea at Tianjin. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @emilycchiu: Grinnell College’s Chinese enrollment not what you may have heard (aka journalists need to fact check) http://thegazette.com/2011...
RT @veterantraveler: RT @Holaba: "Many...skilled capitalists are, ironically, in countries where communism & socialism once prevailed" http://www.ft.com/cms...
众志成城 眾志成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom) http://www.aitong.moe.edu.sg/cos...
RT @MattSchiavenza: Here's an interview I did with the blog "Chinese Chic"http://chinesechic.blogspot.com/2012...
RT @venturehacks: 4 ways to scale: people, product, capital, community http://venturehacks.com/article...
"Tourists come and go. Travelers experience, understand and learn about themselves." Nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch... @sonia_gil
"I don't want to be remembered, I want my organization to be remembered." Respectable. @lotay
RT @gsiebengartner: Go back to driving them w/o plates, avoid suspicion. @raykwong: In China, even police drive Porsches. (@BarbaraDemick) http://www.latimes.com/news...
RT @Lotay: A true heart of service thinks of others first.
RT @Scobleizer: My first CES report: New Toshiba tablet is mighty thin: https://t.co/5HSMUdOH first video look.
平板电脑 平板電腦 píng bǎn diàn nǎo tablet computer (iPad, Android devices etc)
诺基亚 諾基亞 nuò jī yà Nokia (company name)
RT @amanda_lam: @NokiaDeveloper & @selop: I wonder why developers are the VERY LAST ones to get #Lumia 800, after bloggers, celebrities & lucky draw winners
RT @christinelu: ...was asked which foreign internet company most successful in china. yahoo. invested early in alibaba. took 40% and left it alone.