Kauai Self Portrait on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/2787639
I have made a lot of little high definition recordings with my Flip 3.3 ounce videocamera and am looking for an online repository for them. Now I would like to know if you feel there is a clear difference between this video as it looks on YouTube or on Vimeo. .................................I suggest that you view the video full screen in Vimeo by first clicking the above arrow and then clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the screen that comes up . ............If your computer is older you might want to pause the video for a little while so it can download more quickly and not be jerky or pixellated. What do you think? Please let me know. - Michael Muller
To me this Vimeo one looks a little better, but I think they're very close. The YouTube one buffered much faster for me. - Casey Muller
Vimeo responded to my email and told that the video did not load as HD but as standard. The Flip Mino HD software converts HD into lesser format! Ugh. - Michael Muller