What Would Jesus Bet?: Chris Ferguson, UCLA Math grad & poker champion The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/reporti...
"Game theory was conceptualized by John von Neumann, who published “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior,” in 1944, with Oskar Morgenstern. To diagram certain game-theory problems, von Neumann used hands of poker as examples. Nearly fifty years later, it occurred to an amiable U.C.L.A. graduate student named Chris Ferguson to apply game theory concepts to grand-master poker. Relying on them, in 2000, he became known as the first person to win a prize of more than a million dollars in a poker tournament. " - Michael Muller
Registration required? I've never seen that from the New Yorker before. - Casey Muller
Like the abstract, wish I could read the article! - Private Sanjeev