After School Special: Progressive Insurance Commercial -
Misaka Grill (3/5) -
"Came here because it was 4 stars for sushi restaurants and was close by. The place is extremely bright for a restaurant. It felt more like a diner than a Japanese restaurant. They have "Misaka Grill"…" - Keith Pelczarski
"No one knew my name! BUT Jenni and Scott were super cool and played along when I asked them my name for a goofy video. We had the pub skins and they were delicious! Exit through the gift shop...." - Keith Pelczarski
The Call of Cthulhu - for beginning readers by DrFaustusAU on deviantART -
Doodle for Saul Bass' 93rd Birthday -
This Week's Sky at a Glance - What’s Up Tonight? - -
"Look west after sunset near the horizon. Binoculars may be needed to pick Comet PanSTARRS out of the bright sky. Look too early and the sky will be too bright; too late and the comet will be too low. On the altitude scale at left, 10° is about the width of your fist held at arm's length." - Keith Pelczarski
Ooh. - Stephen Mack
I'm on a boat! #JCCC3
Rockin' our 49ers POW! shirts from @lovebian. Go Niners!
FRUITVALE was as good as advertised, but I liked THE INEVITABLE DEFEAT OF MISTER & PETE more. Your mileage may vary. #Sundance
BLOOD BROTHER was phenomenal. Rocky & the kids were so inspiring. It got all dusty in here. Text ROCKY to 80077 to donate $10. #Sundance
Based on the life of Paul Raymond, THE LOOK OF LOVE was a groovy story about love, family, and porn. And boobs. #Sundance
Kept hoping that UPSTREAM COLOR would make sense at some point. Um, not so much. WTF? #Sundance
Yo. NEWLYWEEDS was smokin'! #Sundance
THE INEVITABLE DEFEAT OF MISTER & PETE was gritty & powerful. Skylan Brooks and Ethan Dizon were amazing. #Sundance
VIRTUALLY HEROES was a fun shoot-em-up that recycles old stock footage to ponder the meaning of (video game) life. #Sundance
ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW: a dark, strange mind£¥¢+ of a story about a family's bad trip to the happiest place on earth. #Sundance
HELLBOY Q&A w/ Thomas Lennon & Keegan-Michael Key is the best I've seen in 5 years. And it's not even close. So fun. #Sundance
HELL BABY has scares, gore & lots of laughs: "This is what happens when you make a film without a committee." -T. Lennon #Sundance
MILKSHAKE was interesting. Couldn't really connect w/ main characters, but enjoyed the story until the abrupt ending. #Sundance
Going to see MILKSHAKE at the Egyptian soon. I bet all the boys will be there in the yard. #Sundance
Only 12 movies in 5 days this year. I must be getting old. #Sundance
Look out, Park City! I'm comin' to gitcha! #Sundance 1/14/13 - football and eating lunch alone - http://campaign.r20.constantco...
"Gilman High School in Maryland has an unusual and highly successful football team. And its coaches have a few unusual rules -- such as an ironclad rule that no Gilman football player should ever let another Gilman boy -- teammate or not -- eat lunch by himself. And the requirement that players constantly base their thoughts and actions on one simple question: What can I do for others?" - Keith Pelczarski
Official JCCC3 Artwork by xkcd’s Randall Munroe | JoCo Cruise Crazy -
Less than two months to go! - Keith Pelczarski