Steve and 4 other people
This vacation is either going to be horrible, or awesome, or both.
I hope it's that middle one. - Stephen Mack
I hope it's definitely awesome. - Anne Bouey
Everybody's going to Hawaii & Zion.
I'm not going to Zion. - Stephen Mack
I'm on the road to Bangkok aboard the Thailand Express. - Big Joe Silenced
I am staying put - #cryptic
I'm going on vacation and when I come back, FF will be gone.
Same :( - Stephen Mack
Same here, Steve. - Micah
I can't even remember when the last day of FF was supposed to have been.
April 9th? They put a note at the top of the page! - Stephen Mack
We need some kind of "ball drop countdown" to the end. Ideas?
Maybe we can get Glen Campbell to modify the script to do a countdown? - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Is Ben G. leaving Facebook?
That's what it seems like to me. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
That's speculation, Louis. ;) - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Facebook was down because ____________________.
I was sleeping and they were waiting for me to awaken. :P - Jenny H.
Blizzard Squad - Stephen Mack
Now I'm trying to think of a clever oceanographic pun on the word bight.
Let's play the "Is it an Estuary or a Bay" game. Ready?
San Francisco Bay - Steve and 4 other people
Gillian's Island. Does it really have a small bay? - Back to just Joe
Snowpiercer. Discuss.
Got it saved on my tablet. I'll watch it this weekend. - Steven Perez
RT @JamesRisen: We are now in the longest continuous period of war in American history. And yet there is remarkably little debate about it.
RT @ValaAfshar: Population: 1 Facebook 2 China 3 India 4 Tencent 5 WhatsApp 6 United States 7 Google + 8 LinkedIn 9 Twitter 10 Indonesia #techonomy14
RT @robinsloan: This is gorgeous. For #NaNoGenMo, @liza made a procedurally-generated Voynich manuscript 💕🐌👽👍
RT @amazonmusic: It's Disney Day Of Deals! Get music from hit Disney movies including 'Frozen' & 'Guardians of the Galaxy' for only $5
1. Let's sell to everyone! 2. enterprise B2B product! 3. ...but people really want an API! a cloud service! 5. RIP
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You have read 4 of your 10 tweets for this month. - Stephen Mack
Wow, that game was totally mind bowling.
նապաստակ is the Armenian word for "Hare"
Looks more like Houyhnhnm, or how I'd imagine Houyhnhnm to look if it were written. - bentley
RT @exkclamation: @sfslim That Amazon Echo video terrifies me. It’s as if Amazon pre-made their own April Fool parody video, but didn’t get their own joke.
RT @LiberioApp: Fun Read of the Day: 11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures
RT @OneBayArea: For the afternoon crowd: 15 of the 30 US cities with the highest rents are in the #SFBayArea.
Trailing Comma in Initializers is the Oxford Comma of Computer Languages.
RT @dabeaz: Are you kidding me? JSON doesn't allow a trailing comma? Okay, someone deserves a beatdown for this.
RT @malpern: Watching @lukew multi-task at #FORMSF14. He did write a UI design essay during the session. Slacker.
Anyone out there like Welcome To Night Vale? (
I loved it at first, but within 6 episodes I got bored and gave it up. - bentley