Let's play the "Is it an Estuary or a Bay" game. Ready?
San Francisco Bay - Steve and 4 other people
Both! - Starmama
eBay. - bentley
Chesapeake Bay - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
(Is it true that all Estuaries are Bays but only some bays are estuaries?) - Steve and 4 other people
It's both. - Starmama
Of Pigs? - Back to just Joe
Think so, yes. Monterey Bay isn't an estuary if I remember right. - Starmama
What about things named "bay" but on freshwater systems, like this: https://www.google.com/maps... - Steve and 4 other people
Estuary Bae is my conservationist name. - Micah
Emerald Bay (Tahoe) - Steve and 4 other people
Gillian's Island. Does it really have a small bay? - Back to just Joe