hey all, I'm going private at the end of the week, and unsubscribing people I don't personally know.
I want to get a better feel for that use case. Expect me back in a few weeks :). - Sanjeev Singh
It's been real. - Jim Norris
Keep me in there Sanjeev. Dig your stuff ?! - Charlie Anzman
OK have fun. If any of your real friends are friends of me you'll still see all my cat pictures and PB&J postings anyhow. :) - Scoble, Alex Scoble
S'okay. You're not subscribed to me anyway. :) - Morton Fox
Oh, heh, yeah he's not subscribed to me either, hehe. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Same here. - Akiva
Same as @Charlie - Elias Torres
Isn't that was facebook is for? I use facebook for real life relationships, and friendfeed for good spirited conversations on the interwebs. - Chris Hollander
Chris W, yes I'm going to kick off subscribers temporarily. - Sanjeev Singh
Chris H, Facebook is more about socialization and social communication (how are you doing? what are you up to?). I just want to find and discuss cool stuff with my friends :) - Sanjeev Singh
How will you let us know when you are back? I'll miss your stuff! - Clare Dibble
Actually I think I'll just create a "private sanjeev" account. - Sanjeev Singh
My friends use Facebook notes http://facebook.com/notes.php for cool and hot stuff. - John Lam
Chris White/premium content comment FTW - j1m
jeev, remember to keep me in, took me a while to locate you !! haha!! - Lim, Kok Kim
But I just learned about flouridation from you last week! :| - Mona Nomura
Any chance you can leave me on your feed? I enjoy reading your science related posts. - GS 2Go