Dr. William Marcus (EPA) on the dangers of flouride - http://www.fluoridealert.org/health...
"When I got a hold of the contractor report and reviewed it very carefully, not only was it reporting cancers in the animals, [it was reporting] osteosarcomas which bothered me a lot because I've been trying to produce osteosarcomas in animals for almost 20 years and the only luck I ever had was with an experiment in dogs and monkeys, and the osteosarcomas took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium which specifically produces that in bones. And here we have a compound commonly available - fluoride - that did it in rats in two years or less." - Sanjeev Singh
"Due to his criticisms of the tumor downgradings, Dr. Marcus was fired by the EPA. The US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, later ruled that EPA fired Marcus out of "retaliation" for Marcus' stance on fluoride, and ordered EPA to reinstate Marcus with full back pay and compensation." - Sanjeev Singh