Shannon - GlassMistress

I’m a procrastinator, a sewist, a dabbler, a reader, a baker, an over planner, a mama to many furry kids and I regularly play with fire.
I wish you all were here. I'd take you to a super boring gallery opening where you can eat iffy h'orderves made by little old ladies and drink horrible cheap wine. Then I'd buy you a real drink somewhere else :-)
Sounds grand. I'm in. - SAM
IN - Iain Baker
iffy h'orderves? Cat food sandwiches? - Greg GuitarBuster
Greg they bring things I can't visually identify ... creepy, lol. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Goooood morning FF!
Shannon :) - Pete's Got To Go
I had to do it...I didn't figure I'd get another chance :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
A moment to say hello, and forever to say goodbye. Goodnight FF, FFforever in my heart.
G'night, Shannon. <3 - Anne Bouey
Dear Mods, please give us until 11:59 pm tomorrow. We are still busy proving that we are a family, a community and what social media really should be.
Taxes done, owed money, FF closing ... Its the last of the booze but I'm lit. Part celebration, part commiseration, part grieving. You?
other than owing money, the same. - Aloof Schipperke
same same, except taxes done. ' - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
I'm still here, are you still there?
Nope, just a figment of your imagination. ;-) - CAJ was here
Dammit, I was afraid of that. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Hi :') - Aquacultural
Confession: I have clicked 'like' more times today on FF than any other in my history here.
*like* - bentley
Hey! Remember that time I made a bead and it flew on Shuttle Endeavor? good times.
Do I owe anyone beads?
I know how to find you, so when funding is available I'll be in touch. But...a series of commemorative FF beads would be so cool. Please post links to your FB Page and Etsy shop again so folks have it! - Corinne L
(heh, I said "insert") - Hookuh Tinypants
Bad news. I owe $401 to the IRS (can you say 'bead sale'?), good news I found an error in last years taxes that might create a tiny refund. I just have to determine if the work would be worth it.
Sniff ... will you sign my yearbook?
To Shannon: A total babe who I'm glad I got to know this year (though I totally should have asked you to prom instead of Marcia Birmingham who gave me head lice). Stay the cute and wonderful person you are and I hope to see you around the pool this summer. - #ffforever Barry - MoTO Boychick Devil
Shannon, we will stay connected somehow. Are you on - Friar Will
Before we close up shop here you should all know that it's Dan the MAN. I screwed up typing his name here early on and it just sorta stuck. Been typing MAN here ever since. For the record he's not Daniel, he's Dana but, shhh, don't tell :-)
Nice meeting you, MAN. Eh, Dan! - Stephan Planken
Heh - never knew that origin story, awesome. - Micah
Imma try again. #cheersff
That's better. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Cheers! - Anne Bouey
With love, #cheersff
Cheers, Shannon! - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Stoopid sideways photo - Shannon - GlassMistress
^No, it's good. Makes me feel like I've been drinking with you! ;P - AHnix (Anna Haro)
^^ hah! I'm not that far along :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Tax program will not allow me to enter my mileage information, when I click the button to add it just scrolls to the top of the page. I spend an hour with support, she gave up and sent me up a tier. I was on hold with them 45 minutes when I was disconnected. I'm now at the 30 minute mark of being on hold as I start the process over.
And the solution is to delete the work I've done and start over. I so hate taxes! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Bummer. :( - Anne Bouey
So ... for the first time ever it seem I may owe taxes (still working on it). I have no deductions and I made too much on bead sales last year. Good and bad I guess.
Gooooooooood Morning FF!
Good morning, Shannon. :) - Steven Perez
God morgen. :) - Jenny H.
Happy crazy bed head...oh, and happy Easter everyone :-)
Happy Easter - obe
I never did figure out how to do a custom background on my profile, it was going to be glass..I know you are shocked.
Dudes! I think I fixed my foot! I can walk barefoot on tile with no pain! I wore shoes today that a week ago I couldn't take ten steps in! My suspicion is that the tiny, hard bit that I got out was a piece of glass that has been in there a long time.
Yay for getting glass out of your body! O_O - Heather
Crazy early torch session tomorrow, then group torch meeting at the studio. Sunday, lengthy torch session and more work on income tax. What's on tap for your weekend?
House cleaning. *woohoo* - Aloof Schipperke
ice skating. sleeping. looking at the studio and wondering how i will ever get it organised and functional (much less find time to make music) again when my schedule is so full of other pplz constant needs and wants. - Big Joe Silenced
Happy Friday everyone!
back atcha pretty lady - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Hey, Shannon. :) - Steven Perez
The thing on my foot is turning black, I figure the skin is dying from all the swelling so I went after it tonight and cut some of the skin away, I even managed to lance it slightly and as I thought there's goo in there. I'm wondering if the Doc in the Box would lance it for me or go nuts doing tests.
Yikes. - Steven Perez
Yeah, self surgery is probably always a poor choice, but it is not getting better and my foot doctor friend is on vacation. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Aww, look what my honey had waiting for me when I got home:-)
Did we find out MAN's name yet? - Heleninstitches #teamff
I figured I'd share when we do the toast :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Sales tax for the quarter DONE ... now on to income tax .... ugh!
Go Shannon Go! - Stephen Mack
Received an invite for a first communion ... gift event?
Oh, totally depends on the family. Ours, no. My best friend? Yes. - Jennifer Dittrich
Hee hee, yep! - Heleninstitches #teamff
How many of you know MAN's name?
Rumplestiltskin. Am I right? - ellbeecee
Nice Joe, but no. I figured before its over I'd come clean on his name and how I got started with using MAN here. - Shannon - GlassMistress
*taps foot* Waiting for the mods to say "April Fools" .....
Lots of vacuuming and a new battery back up and the tower is up and running again ... and the files I need are not on it ...... le'sigh.
AND I just realized how stupid I am. I did MAN's taxes online last year (free, short form) and I paid the accountant to do mine ... the files do not exist...sheesh. - Shannon - GlassMistress
MAN's taxes are done, whew. Next (tomorrow) is my sales tax then my income tax (urgh) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Mornin FF,
^^ you did not. Crow's feet and red nose gives you vapors? Goodness ;-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Off today, WOOT! Laundry and dishwasher are running, show pieces boxed, named, and labeled. Up next, wash Emma, wash me, then off to the studio to deliver my pieces, get the truck washed, go to the warehouse store and stop at Firestone and see if they can replace a tire sensor.
Aside. I never know what to name things but every once in a while I have what I think is a stroke of genius. The spider has been named "Honey, get the broom!" Hahahaha - Shannon - GlassMistress
Bugger, two bad sensors and not enough chairs in the waiting room. - Shannon - GlassMistress