Do I owe anyone beads?
I know how to find you, so when funding is available I'll be in touch. But...a series of commemorative FF beads would be so cool. Please post links to your FB Page and Etsy shop again so folks have it! - Corinne L
Do you still have the tree beads? - Back to just Joe
Joe, the B&W ones? If so, I believe I have one left, but I have a show coming up so there are bound to be more :-) I'm happy to take a special order any time. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Yeah, I liked the B&W ones. Go ahead and sell it at the show. I will buy something else from you off of etsy. - Back to just Joe
I just finished my taxes so now I'll be in full on 'make mode' and trees are on the list :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
When you're a rich and famous glass artist I'm gonna say I knew you win but I'm not gonna sell all the fishies we got from you. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
*insert anal beads joke here * - Hookuh Tinypants
(heh, I said "insert") - Hookuh Tinypants