Before we close up shop here you should all know that it's Dan the MAN. I screwed up typing his name here early on and it just sorta stuck. Been typing MAN here ever since. For the record he's not Daniel, he's Dana but, shhh, don't tell :-)
Nice meeting you, MAN. Eh, Dan! - Stephan Planken
oh hai DAN. Nice to meet you :) - ellbeecee
O HAI, DAN! :) - Steven Perez
And here I thought you referred to him as MAN, for privacy reasons, or something. - April Russo (FForever!)
MAN the Dan! - Back to just Joe
April, that's what I always assumed as well. :-) - Stephan Planken
Hey, Dan! - Anne Bouey
He's real! Hey, Man. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Hi Dan! - Stephen Mack
Howdy :-) Afraid you'll always be MAN to me though! - Heleninstitches #teamff
Hello MAN! - Melly #FForever
Heh - never knew that origin story, awesome. - Micah