Off today, WOOT! Laundry and dishwasher are running, show pieces boxed, named, and labeled. Up next, wash Emma, wash me, then off to the studio to deliver my pieces, get the truck washed, go to the warehouse store and stop at Firestone and see if they can replace a tire sensor.
Aside. I never know what to name things but every once in a while I have what I think is a stroke of genius. The spider has been named "Honey, get the broom!" Hahahaha - Shannon - GlassMistress
That doesn't sound like a day "off" to me. - MoTO Boychick Devil
That name is genius. - bentley
MoTO I know. I don't do 'off' very well. I think that's why I like Cruises, they give me no choice but relax :-). Bentley, thanks! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Back at home for an hour of 'put things away' then back to Firestone. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Bugger, two bad sensors and not enough chairs in the waiting room. - Shannon - GlassMistress