Shannon - GlassMistress

I’m a procrastinator, a sewist, a dabbler, a reader, a baker, an over planner, a mama to many furry kids and I regularly play with fire.
Mornin FF,
^^ you did not. Crow's feet and red nose gives you vapors? Goodness ;-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Off today, WOOT! Laundry and dishwasher are running, show pieces boxed, named, and labeled. Up next, wash Emma, wash me, then off to the studio to deliver my pieces, get the truck washed, go to the warehouse store and stop at Firestone and see if they can replace a tire sensor.
Aside. I never know what to name things but every once in a while I have what I think is a stroke of genius. The spider has been named "Honey, get the broom!" Hahahaha - Shannon - GlassMistress
Bugger, two bad sensors and not enough chairs in the waiting room. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Number four
Five will be the bunny bead, and six will be yesterday's best spider. Why so many? Because last year no other lampworkers entered. :-( - Shannon - GlassMistress
Pieces two and three
Piece one for Ring of Fire. I'd totally wear this :-)
Working on the spiders today there were moments when the glass temp was perfect while pulling the legs. It was like drawing in air. I'm excited that I was able to recognize those moment however fleeting. I wish I could share how it felt with you; it was like a magic trick and it was so wonderful to know I'm still growing in this medium :-)
When I learn to recognize that all the time I willl have accomplished something - Shannon - GlassMistress
Trying to learn spiders today ... this is best of show. Lots more to learn, but I'm getting there.
also. I shared it on FB and thanked the magazine and the author of the tutorial but did not tag the author (on purpose). Damned if he didn't see it anyway and shared it...I think I'm a little embarrassed. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Mostly I'm bummed that the title "Honey, Get the Broom" won't appear in the show book *cheesy grin* - Shannon - GlassMistress
Good morning FF!
I will miss saying that. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Yeah, what Stephan said. I'm going to need my beady fix after the End Days. - bentley
Huh. I'm feeling all kinds of 'go me' today. I successfully negotiated a reduced price on a replacement fire alarm for the work building and a higher payoff for a warranty contract we have in place for a certain big name oven company. Neither will make us rich but hey, every little bit counts, right?
whoohoo Friday! Janitorial duties done, now for some invoicing, later an appointment with the fire alarm company, then some warehouse work and outta here ... FOR THREE DAYS!
Up at 5 because there was a storm north of us and Em is flipped out. The storm has reached us now and she has wedged herself under the TV stand. I am not sure how she'll get herself out :-(
A friend has posted a video of Michael Brown roughing up an older man. Snopes says false. I've called her out on it ... the shit storm has begun and most of me does not care. If we didn't travel in the same circle all of me would not care.
I need to turn on my tower computer to get last year's income tax files ... I think last year was when it was last turned on. The computer is in the litter box room and OMG the dust! I'm optimistic that it wont catch on fire ... sorta.
The number or people getting on my nerves today is quickly outnumbering my nerves.
Dear Car Dealer, if you had properly checked the light sensors the first time I brought it back, rather than saying 'not our problem' and 'that will be $500 to fix', I wouldn't have had to bring it back this morning and make you prove it WAS your problem and that is works MUCH better when the sensor is PROPERLY PLUGGEN IN.
Also, I'm confused that you somehow think ANYONE would believe that you weren't on the hook for the repair when you just had the whole goram dash out of the car. Also, also ... I win, neener, neener. - Shannon - GlassMistress
MAN is lit, and He is making me laugh so hard!
Somehow elder cat one managed to step in a puddle in the litter box and create a 'boot' of cat litter. Which dried overnight I've cut off what I can but it is still packed between the pads and under the nails in pea sized 'rocks'. I tried soaking it but it remains the consistency of tar. Any suggestions?
Here's what I learned, should you ever find yourself in the same boat. NO water ... makes it worse. If you can, let it dry. Needle nose pliers do a good job of breaking it up once its dry if its rock hard like this was. There will probably have to be some scissor work. Above all, do it a little at a time, give kitty a rest when his/her patience runs out. I had to pull a lot of hair, wasn't much fun for either of us. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Ah. I use wheat based kitty litter, so it's flushable, so litter won't really...clump like that. - Colette
So. There is another glass bead maker, M, who also makes sculptural beads. She's been at it a lot longer, is rather well known in the glass community, and is quite talented. There have been a lot of times that I'd swear we share brain cells. Last weekend I made a whale tale bead and when I turned on FB she had posted photos where she'd done the
same. It happens all the time. Her day to day beads are on the rushed side in my opinion but when she's really working to make something great her work is stellar. She has a tutorial out in the same magazine my bunny bead is in ... a tutorial to make a Jumping Hare bead (aka a flying bunny). I did some looking and found she had made that bead some years ago. I must have seen it somewhere along the way and though I didn't intentionally copy the bead I doubt anyone would believe that, including M. Basically I look like a hack and that bothers me. How does anyone come up with new ideas? How can you not be influenced by something you've seen, even when you don't remember seeing it? - Shannon - GlassMistress
Aw, thanks. I'd say my day to day stuff is better, probably because I don't worry about time. She's paying her mortgage with beads so the more she makes the more she makes, ya know. I cant touch her art stuff ... yet, but I'm working on it :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
A little while ago I alluded to 'something good happening in the glass world' an d now I can share it. I have a bead in the Spring edition of the Flow magazine. My enthusiasm has been tempered considerably by a 'jumping hare' tutorial a handful of pages later...oh well.
I like the challenge of custom work but sometimes ... grrrrrrrrrr! Usually if I don't get it right I can still sell the bead somewhere but every once in a while I get a color combo that, if wrong, cant be anything but tossed.
Also, where will I post such things in the future ... waaaaaaaa! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Dear Barry and Pete, no one joined in because it was perfect, just perfect. Luf you both, me.
The kiln controller does not seem to be running the program properly ... I might be having a little freak out.
Still running manual, so far so good. What will I do if the controller I'd dead? Cries. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Seriously FFers, won't one of you cut this thing out of my foot? I'll buy the booze, we can both get liquored up (me before, you after)
Super green!
MULTIPASS!! - Steven Perez
Next month I'm going to try a bead show in Tampa with the same promoter I work with here. The promoter and I have agreed to a lower table price for a smaller table but I have to supply my own. I'd like to have a 2nd 6" table but don't really want to buy one now, so anyone want to help dig the one I have out from under the craft crap?
Woot, the weekend is in sight! The usual is on deck - cleaning, lampworking (w/ new a new press - yay!), yard work. Also, car shopping (for MAN) and homemade corned beef.
What are you up to? - Shannon - GlassMistress and hopefully get on top of the washing, and finish my current stitch :-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
Nice! If I lived anywhere near you I'd be trying to get an invite :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Always welcome Shannon :-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
I love all the old posts that are being bumped :-)
باز بگید فارسی زبان ضعیفیه. واسه یه "شخم" چه توضیح مبسوطی داده - شاهید
FFFact ... I've clicked the FF 'like' link far, far, fewer times than I've commented on something. #chattycathy
Up early this morning getting some beads wired to wear for an auction customer. She is clearly offended that I charge $5 to wire something and grilled me thoroughly on the quality of the findings ... as if the time had no value. Le'sigh.
7pm, so much work to do ... So much work not getting done.
Bra underwire broke this morning ... I will be stark raving mad by the time I get home.
FB friend posted a haiku, then she posted "If you don't know about haikus: ...." and the definition. Is it wrong that my brain immediately filled in "you live under a rock" after the colon?
If you don't know the / magic of the haiku style / you're a rock dweller. - Ell Bee, See?