Shannon - GlassMistress

I’m a procrastinator, a sewist, a dabbler, a reader, a baker, an over planner, a mama to many furry kids and I regularly play with fire.
Bra underwire broke this morning ... I will be stark raving mad by the time I get home.
FB friend posted a haiku, then she posted "If you don't know about haikus: ...." and the definition. Is it wrong that my brain immediately filled in "you live under a rock" after the colon?
If you don't know the / magic of the haiku style / you're a rock dweller. - Ell Bee, See?
Two beads currently auctioning for less than I think they are worth because I figured they'd be BIN'd almost immediately. Clearly I figured wrong :-(
BIN is 'buy it now' which ends the auction. - Shannon - GlassMistress
:( - Jenny H.
Have you every really, really wanted to offer a suggestion on how someone does something and you know its a good suggestion but at the same time also know the suggestion is a little out of left field and will possibly hurt feelings if they are proud of how they do the something? I'm keeping my mouth shut on one and its killing me.
You just described my job. - Aloof Schipperke
For a while now I've been trying to sort out a new owl bead. Early attempts had facial expression like they'd just farted ... funny but not what I wanted. Over the weekend I tried again and I must have gotten it right because none of them lasted more than 90 seconds at auction :-)
Love the little blue fellow best :-) Also took an order for three more - woot! - Shannon - GlassMistress
I want to see the farting owls, too! :D - April Russo (FForever!)
Oh the blue one! He's so cute!!! - Heather
I donated the farting owls, figured the kids would get a kick out of them. Heather, I'm happy to make another just send me a DM :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
This weekend I learned that there really is no way to safely search the internet for an image of a beaver ... ahem... but he's darn cute anyway :-)
Guys, can you help? I don't know her but she's the daughter of the friend of a friend. I dont have kids but I can't imagine having one go from normal to bedridden in a matter of weeks. Any money not used will go to another child in need. Even $5 bucks would be great and if you send me your donation receipt I'll knock $5 off the bead...
..of your choice. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Bourbon praline pecans ... Drops mic.
Someday I will ......
...own a Moleskine sketch book. - Shannon - GlassMistress
As of this moment I am OFF CALL for the next TWO WEEKS, which isn't quite a vacation and yet oh so wonderful. Now if I can just get enough done today that I don't have to carry anything home the weekend will be grand.
I'm so sad that I'm so busy I can't read everyone's 'ask me anything' posts. I'm so sad I don't know everyone's real name to add them on FB. I'm so happy I'm so busy (at work).
Last nights hair cut is too short but hey think of what I'll save on shampoo:-)
I like it - MoTO Boychick Devil
MoTO, as ever, you are good for a girl's ego. - Shannon - GlassMistress
I like it too - and the feathered bangs. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Listening to the St Pat's station .... all these drinking songs are making me wish I was drinkin'
Ponders. Should we all reveal our FF crushes?
*snickers* - Corinne L
It'd be a looooooooooong list for me! - Melly #FForever
Ponders. Can MoTo get everyone interviewed by April?
I wondered the same thing - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
All good things must come to an end, so too FF. When you get over your shock please let the MODs know how much you appreciate it having been kept going for so long. I understand everyone's anger and disappointment but those that have kept this little family going don't really deserve to be the target for those emotions.
Dear self, don't try to fix it. When your mom calls and tells you all the terrible, rotten, messed up things in her life just listen ... don't'll have less stress if you do. Love, me.
and try to breathe while you're listening. - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Almost all of it is technology issues. She's convinced the battery on her iPad is dying because it only ever charges to 99%. She's angry that no one programmed her new car for her so she can make a call by touching the button on the steering wheel (and had no clue she could 'talk' to Siri and get the same result). Her new smart TV needs an update and she doesn't want to take the update because it will 'mess everything up'. Oh, and Netflix (my account) isn't working AND the button on the cable remote doesn't turn on the TV and the cable anymore. *rips hair from head* - Shannon - GlassMistress
A lady purchased $429 of beads, PayPal dropped the transaction. I told her she could continue down the show and I would re-total (lots of little beads, long transaction). She hasn't come back ... cries!
*crosses fingers and hopes she returns* - Katy S
Awesome! - Jenny H.
Ok, I caved. I'm cleaning misfit beads this morning and I'm going to put them on the table. I'm planning on putting a stack of small organza bags with them. $12 whatever they can get into the bag. If nothing else it will cause a crowd at my table :-)
$36 from the Misfits, Orphans and Troublemakers bowl so far, lol. Everyone loves a deal. - Shannon - GlassMistress
$12 more, no other sales. It's an interesting experiment. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Your reference to 'misfits, orphans and troublemakers' reminded me of this cartoon from my childhood - Heleninstitches #teamff
Yahooo! A third bead has hit the trail. Give it up for Richard Diehl, bib #42! All mushers have crossed the start line, safe travels every one. Best of luck!
Home, feet up, looking for a movie to watch and wondering if the dinner fairy will take pity on me.
An hour to go, still shy of $200 but that's after I took out the table expense so, yay, I'm ahead. Interesting side note, I have not sold a single b&w tree bead. This surprises me. Too expensive maybe? ($28)
Uh, the customers are wrong. - Heather
They may not be your target market. - Corinne L
Put up a "Closeout! $25!" sign, and see what happens? - Ell Bee, See?
Come see me today!
But you're not in the picture! :P - CAJ was here
It's lik my home - obe
The snack bar is drawing a bigger crowd than I am. Le'sigh.
They're fueling up to shop! - The Other Yvonne
So,so tired but there are still so, so many beads to clean, yawn
WOOOOT! My sled dogs made it to the Iditarod in time. Two beads are going sledding, one with Rob Cooke (bib #2) and one with Matt Failor (bib #15). Rob - and my bead - are set to be the first off when the race starts ... so stinkin' cool!
Delete. Delete. Delete. Redacted. Delete. Delete. Delete.
Blood work for the old man.
"I'll gladly take some of yours" - Aloof Schipperke
Nah, he is the most laid back cat ever. He even likes the car ride. He'd like to be out of the carrier and wandering the office :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Poor ole boy's thyroid is borked but there are pills to help. He's 17 1/2 but still chugging along. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Friend's kid wants me to donate to a charity because its her favorite actor's charity, there are two 'rent parties' going for online friends (one is truly rent and the other is for a honeymoon), fellow lampworker that I don't know is out of her house on the 15th with no where to go and looking for donations. I've given to practically everything
I've been asked to donate to but I just cant handle today's requests. I. Just. Cant. - Shannon - GlassMistress
I know the feeling. Often I have to remind myself to not make myself wrong if all I can give is positive thoughts or a prayer for the other person's well being. Those things matter too. - Corinne L
How my brain works: A friend posts about a missing Redbone hound named Anne. I think of 'Where the Red Fern Grows', followed by wild-crafting, followed by the character Kaiser Pease and a quick search for the name of the book he was in, 'Where the Lilies Bloom' ... and now I'm off to find a couple of books.