Friend's kid wants me to donate to a charity because its her favorite actor's charity, there are two 'rent parties' going for online friends (one is truly rent and the other is for a honeymoon), fellow lampworker that I don't know is out of her house on the 15th with no where to go and looking for donations. I've given to practically everything
I've been asked to donate to but I just cant handle today's requests. I. Just. Cant. - Shannon - GlassMistress
And that's okay Shannon - Steve C, Team Marina
I know its ok, I do. Its just frustrates me. Part of me feels like a schmuck but hey, you cant get blood from a stone. Part of me wants to smack the next person who holds out their hand and part of me wants to know when Karma is going to give me a break financially so we can get ahead a little. - Shannon - GlassMistress
I'm stuck there all the time. You have to take care of your own house first. - Eric @ CS Techcast
It's good to know your limits. - Gabrielle
I know the feeling. Often I have to remind myself to not make myself wrong if all I can give is positive thoughts or a prayer for the other person's well being. Those things matter too. - Corinne L