Dear self, don't try to fix it. When your mom calls and tells you all the terrible, rotten, messed up things in her life just listen ... don't'll have less stress if you do. Love, me.
and try to breathe while you're listening. - Stephan!eā€¢CogSc!L!brar!an
Almost all of it is technology issues. She's convinced the battery on her iPad is dying because it only ever charges to 99%. She's angry that no one programmed her new car for her so she can make a call by touching the button on the steering wheel (and had no clue she could 'talk' to Siri and get the same result). Her new smart TV needs an update and she doesn't want to take the update because it will 'mess everything up'. Oh, and Netflix (my account) isn't working AND the button on the cable remote doesn't turn on the TV and the cable anymore. *rips hair from head* - Shannon - GlassMistress