Shannon - GlassMistress

I’m a procrastinator, a sewist, a dabbler, a reader, a baker, an over planner, a mama to many furry kids and I regularly play with fire.
Friend's kid wants me to donate to a charity because its her favorite actor's charity, there are two 'rent parties' going for online friends (one is truly rent and the other is for a honeymoon), fellow lampworker that I don't know is out of her house on the 15th with no where to go and looking for donations. I've given to practically everything
I've been asked to donate to but I just cant handle today's requests. I. Just. Cant. - Shannon - GlassMistress
I know the feeling. Often I have to remind myself to not make myself wrong if all I can give is positive thoughts or a prayer for the other person's well being. Those things matter too. - Corinne L
How my brain works: A friend posts about a missing Redbone hound named Anne. I think of 'Where the Red Fern Grows', followed by wild-crafting, followed by the character Kaiser Pease and a quick search for the name of the book he was in, 'Where the Lilies Bloom' ... and now I'm off to find a couple of books.
I met a friend for a drink last night and when I arrived I dumped these beads on the bar. She looked at me like I'd lost my mind and I couldn't figure out why. Finally she said ... "You bought three of them!!!???" Considering the original artist's bead auctioned for $226 and she know's we are tight on money I can see why she thought I'd lost it.
Helluva compliment though :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
They look AMAZING!!! - The Other Yvonne
Some of the bead makers will put a bowl of 'seconds'. The higher end folks do not and are very outspoken against doing so. On the one hand it is a good way to make your glass money back on slightly imperfect or fugly beads. On the other offering something so cheap may undercut other sales. Thoughts?
I like the higher-end purist mentality. But could see how that's not appropriate for every vendor or show. - SAM
I'm guessing some of the higher end folks have less worries on making up the cost of the glass, and the worry that someone would devalue their other beads might be fairly realistic for their particular audience. I think the 'seconds' can be fun, but not to always have around - maybe an occasional sale, but they wouldn't compete with your other work full-time. - Jennifer Dittrich
Confession: I just had to try making a black and white tree bead. It's a stolen concept but I couldn't resist
*adds more beads to wishlist* - Hookuh Tinypants
If you were directly copying, I could see not competing, but yours are different. (I like them better.) I think it's fine to sell them wherever, lots of people take inspiration from others. - Heather
The show promoter that I emailed a week ago contacted me this weekend through my Etsy to see if I was attending. He has offered a 'smaller' table and I've agreed because I'm a lunatic. Must. Make. Beads. LOL
Woooooo! - Jenny H.
Oops, not that promoter. This is the usual guy at the local show. I did go to the other promoter's show over the weekend, it was very nice. I'm not sure it is worth the added expenses (hotel, food, gas, more expensive table) but I think I'd have to try it once to see. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Ok, ok, I admit I should not have ordered a Cosmo from a major chain restaurant but I didn't realize it could be screwed up that bad...yuck!
There is something behind me, isn't there?
The NEW OFFICIAL group of pups heading for the Iditarod (nap now?) - Shannon - GlassMistress
SQUEE!!! - vicster.
^^^!!! - bentley
Adorable! - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
I made a sheep ... it flew out of here so fast I guess I should make more :-)
Yes, you should. I need some new sheep earrings from you. :D - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Apparently, pairs of llamas are all the rage. :) - That's So CAJ!
I rushed home last night to make donation beads for the Iditarod / Beads of Courage. In my haste I didn't actually read the instructions. So the beads are wrong (should all match), and the bead holes are wrong (too small), but I'm sending them anyway. If they don't like it they can bite me - how's that for charity - HAH!
Oh, and it looks like I was supposed to do 12 beads ... oops. - Shannon - GlassMistress
#5 - Heather
I called MAN to ask if he'd like to go to a bead show on the other coast this weekend (to scope out the show for possible vendor-ship). His response, "No, but I'd go 'cause you want me to". At least he's honest :-)
Big girl pants are on. Application for 'very hard to get in to' bead show submitted ... fingers crossed.
GO SHANNON GO! - MoTO Boychick Devil
They do six shows a year in Florida but the venues are small so they vendor numbers are limited. First hurdle is having them accept my beads, they are very strict on no more than two of a specific thing at a show. Luckily being handmade works in my favor there. Next, if the product is accepted, I'll get wait listed for a full show in June, just in case there is a cancellation. After that we'll shoot for 2nd half of the year shows (they do two contracts a year). This isn't quite the big time, but its FAR more formal than the guy I deal with now, and more expensive ($335/table - eeek!). But has better crowds, better venues and better advertising so it might be worth it. - Shannon - GlassMistress
go, bead lady, go!! - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Insurance salesperson in my office this morning. Her: "Oooh what are these?" Me: "glass beads, I make them". Her: picks up a dog bead "So you string them into something" Me: Sometimes. Mostly I just like to make the beads" Her: "Make? Oh, you put eyes on them!" Me: *blink* *blink*
Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt. Look at this bead!
I don't know if her FB feed is open or not but if you cannot see it and are friends with me on FB I've shared it on my wall. Swoon! - Shannon - GlassMistress
That is amazing! - Katy S
MAN, bless him, says ever so casually "you could do that". No way in seven hells could I do that, but I love that he thinks so. :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
With guarded jumping up and down .......... Just got a call from a lady with Intergalactic Bead Shows asking if I'd like sell in their shows. Said she saw my shop on Etsy ... said I had really beautiful stuff. It's a tough show to get into, and at one time you had to do ALL the shows from NY to FL so we'll see what pans out.
I'm also curious where she got my phone number. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Yeeesh. ^ and this. Your work is really great. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm wondering if I can walk to Zombies, run! and be able to meet any of the goals. It sounds like fun :-)
I was looking through the Gathering (glass convention) booklet and realized there are some crazy good people going to be there and I was struck with "I WANNA GO!" flaming desire. So I grabbed a pen a paper and fired up the internet. Convention ticket: $600. Flight $700. Hotel $1300 .... hmmm I think my fire went out.
Hoppy Monday Every-Bunny!
What's for dinner?
Salmon and broccoli. - Steven Perez
Not sure yet. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Turned out to be roast beast and sweet potatoes. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Mornin' all, happy Friday!
Have a happy weekend! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Good morning, Shannon. :) - Steven Perez
Ok FF, I need a little input. Bead show is in two weeks. I have no partner this time so its full table fee $250. I cannot fill an 8' table but I believe I can make it appear mostly full if I work like a mad woman for the next two weeks. Previous shows earnings have ranged from $300 to $1000 (the high show was my first show, the next closest was
about $600). I just tanked my glass account and savings accounts on truck repairs and sewer fees and the connection costs for the sewer are looming. Given the show's downward slide I'd be tempted to pass on it but with those costs looming and no 'cushion' to speak of I'm not sure what to do. So what do you think? Yea or nay? - Shannon - GlassMistress
I'd ask myself: "if I made nothing; if I didn't sell a single thing, would it still be worth it?" and decide based on that answer. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Does anyone know how to prevent Excel from auto filling a cell with a "0" when the cell is equal to a cell on another worksheet?
Got it =IF('Estimate Worksheet'!C25="","",'Estimate Worksheet'!C25) whew! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Hmm. I started posting the beads I did over the weekend and things are pretty quiet over there. Not the landslide I thought it might be. I figure I'm either priced poorly (always a problem) or its the photos - they just don't do those beads justice. Ponders.
Something good happened today in bead land :-)
Oh! What? What? - Yolanda
It has to be a secret until everyone's that for vague, lol? - Shannon - GlassMistress
Prepped chicken last night for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. Preheated the oven and put the chicken in when it beeped it was hot. Checked it at 40 minutes to find that the oven dropped to 140 degrees and stayed there. Wasted $10 of chicken, grrr. Had some pot pies on hand, hooray!
Lookie what the kiln had for me!
I'm a little burnt out on wee cute things and whenever I arrive at that point I sit down with one of the glasses that I'm not terribly comfortable with and play. These aren't perfect but I lurve 'em madly! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Leftover chili, exchanged cards and still a Happy Valentines:-)
If I don't get up and do somthing soon my only accomplishments for the day will be getting dressed and putting on shoes (and I only did that because I was cold)
That's a lot. I have accomplished the same, minus shoes. :) - Stephan Planken
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I should already be on the torch...but dude it's cold out there. Ok, yeah, not cold to most of you but 38° is cold enough for me, even when hovering over a 1200° torch.
38 is cold. #solidarity - vicster.