Big girl pants are on. Application for 'very hard to get in to' bead show submitted ... fingers crossed.
GO SHANNON GO! - MoTO Boychick Devil
They do six shows a year in Florida but the venues are small so they vendor numbers are limited. First hurdle is having them accept my beads, they are very strict on no more than two of a specific thing at a show. Luckily being handmade works in my favor there. Next, if the product is accepted, I'll get wait listed for a full show in June, just in case there is a cancellation. After that we'll shoot for 2nd half of the year shows (they do two contracts a year). This isn't quite the big time, but its FAR more formal than the guy I deal with now, and more expensive ($335/table - eeek!). But has better crowds, better venues and better advertising so it might be worth it. - Shannon - GlassMistress
go, bead lady, go!! - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an