Shannon - GlassMistress

I’m a procrastinator, a sewist, a dabbler, a reader, a baker, an over planner, a mama to many furry kids and I regularly play with fire.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I should already be on the torch...but dude it's cold out there. Ok, yeah, not cold to most of you but 38° is cold enough for me, even when hovering over a 1200° torch.
38 is cold. #solidarity - vicster.
Logging into QuickBooks and it tells me 'your password is strong' ... I haz teh force!
When I dropped my truck off last night for repair the service manager called the tech up to discuss what was being done. When the tech arrived I told both men that I was not concerned with their ability to fix the AC but with the dash making noise. "What kind of noise does it make now" the manager asked. "None"
The tech, a small man with a few years on me, asked if I'd ever taken a dash apart and showed me a photo on his phone. "I have but it was '79 Caprice ... I hade a lot more room and a lot less 'stuff' in the dash". He grinned. "I love taking them apart!" He sounded genuinely excited and the service manager was mumbling something about the Caprice having been a sweet ride. "As long as you love putting them back together we'll get along just fine", I said. The tech grinned even bigger, clearly understanding it was a challenge. Him and me? We're going to get along fine :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Having loose MnM's and loose beads on one's desk is ill advised.
The thought makes my teeth hurt in sympathy. - ellbeecee
Ok, just tanked the savings account but the mortgage people are happy. Now to decide if I want to put the truck repair on my credit card (yay points) and then pay it off quickly or have them take $800 from PayPal, $500 in cash and the remainder from my debit card. I'm leaning toward the credit card because the other way is a little embarrassing.
Man on the phone asking for service at a church, he's a little grumpy and getting more so as I ask questions like 'what kind of machine' and 'what is it doing or not doing'. The final straw appeared to be my asking for the address, "Christ! I don't know the got-damn address!" hah!
Reminds me of a story a friend of mine's mother told me long ago: She (who was a pastor) was driving down the road and saw a minivan with a "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker. She decided on a whim to honk. The driver of the minivan flipped her off. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Crappity crap crap crap. I got a bill from the mortgage company. Seems my escrow was $850 short due to an increase in property taxes. I can pay it but I cant pay it AND fix my truck, at least not in the same month. Not paying rolls it to the mortgage which would be ok if I knew I could afford the extra per month. Somehow $850 = $150/mo, new math?
Also I guess this answers my question to do or not to do the bead show. I think it just became an every-little-bit-helps kinda thing, never mind that the last show only netted $300 for two days. - Shannon - GlassMistress
They are probably calculating for 6 month winter/summer tax increase. They love to increase escrow but are sure slow in decreasing. I'm surprised they gave you the choice of paying out of pocket. - Michael W. May
In this case its the sewer installation. If I could have paid it out of pocked last year it would have been 11k instead it has rolled into the property taxes where it will become about $17k. Ah the joys of owning a home. - Shannon - GlassMistress
There's a bead show in three weeks and I cant get in touch with the lady who normally shares a table with me. I don't believe I can fill a full table this go around and I'm not certain I can afford a full table's cost especially since sales at this show have been on the decline. I don't know if I should just bow out or throw it in high gear.
StepMom is superstitious about going through the same door. She just went out the front door to get the recycle bin and bring it in through the back, then went out the back to walk around the building so she could come back in the front .... I'm exhausted just trying to explain it, lol
That would be an issue at my house, since we keep the back door locked unless we go out of it, then lock it again when we come back in. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Wiped out ... For no good reason. Yawn.
Appointment made for truck AC repair and I've got almost all of it in cash...woot!
Teeny Tiny Owls (Earring pair). These guys are just under 5/8" tall, it was tough to get their little eyes on right :-)
Of late I've been trying to solve small annoyances that are easy to fix but tend to be 'back burnered' in favor of more pressing problems. Things like covering too bright LED with electrical tape, putting a mat under my workbench to keep my feet warmer this time of year and clearing the junk from a drawer.
Tonight's project was to figure out if I can fix some lights that are out in the AC controls in my truck's dash. I found instructions for disassembly, part numbers, and a place to order them. I removed the bad bulbs and reassembled the dash. Verified the old bulbs match the new ones and ordered. When the parts come in it will take 10 minutes to finish. Cost me $15. Boom! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Customer who disappeared on over 1k of bills three years ago turned back up. Seems he has a mixer that has died and needs about $4500 of repairs. Seems we have a long memory. Seems he just brought his 1k plus the mixer parts price because we refused service any other way.
Today's goal for bead sales ... $100. Bat, bunnies, skunk, mouse, cat and two focals are in the line up. If you've got a spare good vibe I'd appreciate it :-)
I need to get busy too. Have jewelry made but not sure where to list. Good luck! - Yolanda
Bat and bunny gone - woot - Shannon - GlassMistress
sending more good vibes your way!! - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Still at two sold but three more have bids so they will sell. Total for the day should be about $80 unless I have a last minute offer. Not to shabby :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
If I was a mail carrier I'd REALLY hate Grainger book day. Only two of those were ours
A sales person just called to see if I ever had need of a private jet service when I travel ... it was hard not to laugh in her ear.
Need? Yes. Access? LOL! - The Other Yvonne
So damn tired this morning I washed my face with shampoo ... sigh.
Or putting conditioner on first. - Yolanda
MAN's definition of goulash is a hamburger helper kind of thing, ground beef, green peppers, tomato sauce, heavy on the Worcestershire and bay. Mine is stew meat, paprika and a dab of sour cream. What is your definition?
Stew meat and paprika at least. Other than that it's just meat soup. - Anika
Mr. B: elbow macaroni, tomatoes, tomato sauce, green peppers, onion, ground beef. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Beads at auction this morning ... its awfully quiet over there ... hmmmm.
The verdict: two will sell for their opening bid the remainder will head to the Etsy shop. - Shannon - GlassMistress
This weekend I experimented with beads holding things. Normally if a mouse bead we 'holding' something I'd stick the something to his belly but I was trying to put things in their hands away from the body. Two, I cant share yet because they have other components I need to make. But this little guy brought you flowers. Happy Monday!
I went back to the quilt store to talk to the lady that does the quilting. She's the guru and we came up with a plan. It isn't what I envisioned but I can both live with it and afford for her to do it. My only problem is that there was this fabric on the counter that is a crazy perfect match and is now going to be a pieced back for the rainbow..
...quilt. I am weak :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Confession, Steven's Fifth Element thresd is making me so damn happy this morning I cant hardly stand it!
MULTIPASS! :) - Steven Perez
I've sold no beads in the auction rooms this week ... I'm a little panicked. I keep looking at beads in the rooms that are going for big bucks - like $70 for a set - and wonder what is making them sell. I cant decide if I've saturated my market with the things I make or if its just a lull. Here are the five items up now (for the curious)
Folks need to get on top of this stuff! That conch bead in the sea life set alone is worth the price! I'm loving that second image above with the red and white beads. Those are gorgeous (well all of these beads are gorgeous, but those speak to me the loudest). I choose to believe it's just a lull right now. - Hookuh Tinypants
I admit, I like it a lot better when post items and they sell immediately but I can live with this :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
There's a hitch in my plan - argh! The plan was to save / earn money until I had enough for the AC repair on my truck - about $1400. I figured April-ish. Yesterday I got a coupon from the dealer for 15% off service between 4-5pm. I called because I figured the coupon was missing information like 'oil changes' or 'tire rotations', after all...
... no one would start a job like my AC at 4pm. It took most of the day for the dealer to call back but to my surprise they will honor the coupon on the AC repair! I don't want to put the repair on my credit card b/c carrying interest defeats the coupon. I've got two weeks before the coupon expires. Must sell all the things! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Found a gift card in the yard tonight. It's trash night so i figure it blew over from one of the neighbors' yards. Before I went knocking I checked its balance ..$2.35. Do I bother?
I use cards with small amounts on them all the time, but it does require a smarter than average cashier. I just tell them how much is on the card and they run it for that amount and then I pay the difference. (I'm stingy, no free money for the gift card people - hah) - Shannon - GlassMistress
In brick and mortar stores, a lot of it depends on the point-of-sale systems they use. Some will automatically charge what they can to the gift cards, then tell you what you still owe. With others, you have to tell them ahead of time how much is left, so they can set it up that way. Then, of course, it depends on the cashier. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
We are invited to a Super Bowl get together. We were very gung-ho until someone pointed out that the game doesn't start till 8pm. The get together is an hour away ...we'd have to leave at 8 to be home by bedtime :-) #oldpeopleproblem
:( - Anne Bouey
^^ schnort! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Chopped, home edition. Object: use up some leftover ricotta and poached chicken. Dinner: pasta with chicken, basil, garlic, parm and peas tossed in ricotta with a little pasta water to thin it down. Result: yum!
We have an older gentleman who stops by for a part or service on a household mixer about once a year. Today he needs something I can only find on ebay. I ordered it and will not mark the item up when I sell it to him. He will bring me homemade pierogi ... all will be good!
MAN and I have started watching Black Sails. In last night's credits there was an actor who played the part 'hand job pirate' ... this killed me!