Found a gift card in the yard tonight. It's trash night so i figure it blew over from one of the neighbors' yards. Before I went knocking I checked its balance ..$2.35. Do I bother?
I use cards with small amounts on them all the time, but it does require a smarter than average cashier. I just tell them how much is on the card and they run it for that amount and then I pay the difference. (I'm stingy, no free money for the gift card people - hah) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Shannon, me too. :) - ellbeecee
Yep I use every penny. - Starmama
I would say don't bother. If it only has $2.35 on it, it's not really even worth the effort for you to attempt to return it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Am I the only one who'll add more money to a gift-card for later? I mean, that's what they're for. With a low balance, I'll only do the partial pay only if I never plan to shop at that place ever again. - Anika
Huh. Cashiers/cashout systems around here must be smarter than the average bear. Using a gift card for what's left on it and paying the rest seems to me like standard procedure and adds 10 seconds to the checkout process. (If it was difficult, why would Target give away so many $5 and $10 gift cards with various purchases?) - walt crawford
In brick and mortar stores, a lot of it depends on the point-of-sale systems they use. Some will automatically charge what they can to the gift cards, then tell you what you still owe. With others, you have to tell them ahead of time how much is left, so they can set it up that way. Then, of course, it depends on the cashier. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE